forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@ZAVEN local_movies

Everyone's art is very cool! I also use Ibis PaintX. If I post my art/work in progress, should I also use a screenshot? Or is just the artwork fine? Oh also how do you post images anyway?


It's alright! I just posted a progress shot! I'm gonna post the full thing when I finish it! Also, I really just sent the screenshot so there's proof that it's mine. How you post it is up to you! Just the artwork is fine, really! Also, there are a few different ways, but I just made a character page to store all of my doodles and uploaded them there. At some point, I had the character public so people could view my drawings whenever.


Another progress screenshot! :D

Also, a bit of info about them! Their name is Mitsuki Momota (I dunno if you know Danganronpa, but they're a Saimota (Shuichi Saihara x Kaito Momota) ship kid). They are pan-ace, non-binary, and use they/them pronouns. Also, their talent is Ultimate Astronomer. :)


Thanks! The hair was a huge experiment since I haven't done this before! Also, yes, I figured that those worked well with their talent, so I had to add them! I'm glad that you're enjoying all of this so far! :)

@Mojack group

worldbuilding woooo (just flats, no shading. wanted to get his design out of my head and down somewhere)

Eorr (pronounced Ore), a god of harvest, lends his blood to ancient humans to help them out of a famine caused by a volcano eruption.

@sock group

it's been a while since i've posted art here :0
[pov you're watching your best friend dying in front of you & you can't do anything about it :(]

@Cadeverek group

Redrawing a painting I made last year and I'm really happy with the results so far. It's nice to see the huge difference between the 2 versions, I mean, last year I had to use a reference for pretty much every single part, but the one I'm doing now, I didn't need a single reference so far. I know using references is not something to be ashamed about, it's just that for me not using a reference means that I already memorized how to properly do it. I mean, LOOK AT THE LEFT HAND. IT'S BEAUTIFUL. IT'S GIVING ME A GOD COMPLEX BECAUSE IF I DREW THAT WITHOUT ANY REFERENCES I CAN DRAW GOD OR BECOME HIM-
But fr tho, it's looking a lot more dynamic. Plus, I had draw Henka's hair as straight last year, but it's actually really wavy, borderline curly.

Here's the old version, I can't wait to render the new one to be able to actually compare more fairly. Yeah that's it lmao