forum Show off Your Art!!!
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Deleted user

I am about to unfollow this because I cat stand how good it is-


I kinda liked how it looked on my computer screen better lol
My computer likes to make colors look fucked up

@Mojack group

One of my characters, Hexstrastromnali (damn that’s a big name), showing off her height and probably looking for food

Birds for scale (and her confusing mouth/head.) could’ve just used the mountains but I’ve been wanting to use birds for a long time now. I don’t know the extent of her height, but probably big

@Mojack group

I thought that said Heterosexual

I’d normally go, “I understand why you thought it said that” but I actually don’t know how you saw Hexstrastromnali as heterosexual this time

@The-Magician group

So I’m currently working on some birthday art for my MC (and her twin brother who I completely forgot about last time),
I spent 3 hours on this bit