forum Show off Your Art!!!
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Deleted user

Wow! The white hair looks amazing and the eyes!

@Kie group

It's a shame that you've decided to give up on it. Looks like it could've been really cool. Either way, great job!


This is just a sketch but I really like the hair. Also, im finally getting the hang of drawing hawkeye so yeah.

@saor_illust school

aight this was just a quick sketch to remember one of my favorite horses, who sadly passed away a couple days ago. she was a good girl, and did well.

'n here's another thingy

@Starfast group

I've kinda had art block for like the past two months, but I wanted to try something a little different and make a cover for one of my stories. Most of this was done by following a tutorial (I literally know like nothing about photo manipulation lol). It's not really perfect, but I kinda love it anyways.

Starrfast is my username on Wattpad, just before someone points out the "typo"

@Kie group

Izzy- Your art is lovely, and I'm sorry that your horse passed away.

Star- Cool cover, I wish I could edit like that.

@saor_illust school

Ah no, it wasn't my horse. i however, did get the chance to ride her multiple times and she served the barn and her owner well. but thank you


@Katastrophic group

very cool!
I have something today, after re-working the base for my story I decided to also re-work all of my fae characters. So here's my pixie girl with a much better design, now she actually looks like a magic creature instead of just a tiny green human. I tried to use some praying mantis elements in her new design to make her a little more dangerous looking.

she's got little claws for aesthetic, totally not because I hate drawing shoes

@Starfast group

@Kie and @The-Althalosian-The_Mighty_Elder Thank you :D I'm glad you like it. It really means a lot since I've never actually tried to make something like that.

@ everyone else in this thread, you guys are all so talented! I sincerely mean that.


That is flippin amazing!!!
Also, remember the character I posted a couple days ago? Well I drew him again!

Aww, they look like a friend of mine! Very well done. ( I'm actually quite upset at that friend right now but those details are posted elsewhere on this site)


That is flippin amazing!!!
Also, remember the character I posted a couple days ago? Well I drew him again!



And all y'alls are friken amazing, I just looked at all of the art on here, and you guys are so talented!! Love you all!