forum Show off Your Art!!!
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Deleted user

WhY iS eVeRyOnE sO gOoD aT dIgItaL aRt And I jUsT cAn'T lIkE TeAcH mE yOuR wAyS yOu AlL aRe AmAzInG wAt ThE hEcK

Lol I use my finger for digital, I’m more traditional. I just learned coloring tricks on the internet and messed around

@Katastrophic group

WhY iS eVeRyOnE sO gOoD aT dIgItaL aRt And I jUsT cAn'T lIkE TeAcH mE yOuR wAyS yOu AlL aRe AmAzInG wAt ThE hEcK

youtube and/or pinterest, caffeine, and practice

@PaperHats business

Just finished a small quick sketch of my half-orc bard for my new dnd campaign. His name is Drōzall and apparently rolled a 18 for strength (+4 adding my proficiency bonus is a +6 so he’s fricken buff as all heck). Because of this I decided to give him a piano he just carries around. Thing is— he’s a real sweetheart and worshiper of Pelor, so despite his strength he would never hurt a fly. (He’s lawful neutral but leans more to lawful good).


@Acie He has such a cool design! I love the fact that he carries his piano that's hilarious

Deleted user

Just finished a small quick sketch of my half-orc bard for my new dnd campaign. His name is Drōzall and apparently rolled a 18 for strength (+4 adding my proficiency bonus is a +6 so he’s fricken buff as all heck). Because of this I decided to give him a piano he just carries around. Thing is— he’s a real sweetheart and worshiper of Pelor, so despite his strength he would never hurt a fly. (He’s lawful neutral but leans more to lawful good).


Deleted user

How do/should I become more confident with my art?
(I am enlightened by the D&D people on this platform.)

Deleted user

Do it constantly that it becomes a daily routine and you get so picky with pencils you won’t even touch some at all and when you loose your sketchbook you cry for three months because you forgot to take pictures of everything in it.

Deleted user

Do it constantly that it becomes a daily routine and you get so picky with pencils you won’t even touch some at all and when you loose your sketchbook you cry for three months because you forgot to take pictures of everything in it.

you’re talking about me aren’t you?

@Knight-Shives group

uses printer paper and one of those cheap patterned pencils I found broken under the couch

supplies are key

Uses some dollar tree pens, some sticky notes, or sketch paper

@The-Magician group

uses printer paper and one of those cheap patterned pencils I found broken under the couch

supplies are key

Uses some dollar tree pens, some sticky notes, or sketch paper

Uses mechanical pencils ONLY, white or toned paper/card, or my laptop

@Moxie group

uses an old composition notebook, a dying eraser, and a pencil I got in a pack of twenty for $2 at target

Mhm. Essential.

oh yeah, or a drawing app on my iphone with my finger cause I'm afraid to invest money into this hobby I might give up in a month