forum Show off Your Art!!!
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people_alt 198 followers

Deleted user

Well, it was a good choice. Much approve.

Yes Bruh is a great word

@Katastrophic group

I want advice on something!

So I’m gonna be doing another charcoal drawing (or something like that) and I was considering the carbon print method? If you don’t know it you’re most likely a zoomer tech artist and it’s a physical art technique where you basically take a stick of charcoal, rub it all around a piece of paper, then trace proportions and stuff to save a significant amount of time (it’s mostly used in paintings and stuff). Somehow, the force of the pencil will force the charcoal down and knowing my stupid ass I’ll fuck it up somehow and waste a ton of charcoal but I still wanna try it!

What’s your opinion on it? Also it’s super cool and I suggest checking it out.

I've done something like this in class, I just recommend covering every nearby surface or there will be charcoal everywhere. There's also some premade paper called carbon tracing paper that is fairly cheap and much less messy

Deleted user

I want advice on something!

So I’m gonna be doing another charcoal drawing (or something like that) and I was considering the carbon print method? If you don’t know it you’re most likely a zoomer tech artist and it’s a physical art technique where you basically take a stick of charcoal, rub it all around a piece of paper, then trace proportions and stuff to save a significant amount of time (it’s mostly used in paintings and stuff). Somehow, the force of the pencil will force the charcoal down and knowing my stupid ass I’ll fuck it up somehow and waste a ton of charcoal but I still wanna try it!

What’s your opinion on it? Also it’s super cool and I suggest checking it out.

I've done something like this in class, I just recommend covering every nearby surface or there will be charcoal everywhere. There's also some premade paper called carbon tracing paper that is fairly cheap and much less messy

Okay so don’t do it on my bed lmao thank you! I wanted to do it sometime this weekend but I’ll look into the paper.

Thanka for the advice!

Deleted user

Anyway here’s this

make of what you want of it

That’s a delicious nose

Deleted user

I drew a neighbor cus I was bored in English lmao

he didn’t know it

Deleted user

Nice art, everyone!

was mine able to be seen alright?

We can't see it at all.