@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
bbies qwq
bbies qwq
We are very very weak qwq
Anyway how should we start this?
Yes we are qwq
Okay, I've thought on it. So, perhaps on the night when Astral originally drugged Simon? But instead of drugging him he decides not to, and they just have a nice evening together couch cuddles and go on with their lives
Astral will probably not do any more torture because I'm not here for that aha
Okayyyyyyyyy lit
Or should we start it like the day after because then Simon will have his top surgery and stuffff??
See this is a complicated matter, because if they do the top surgery, and Astral is genuinely being nice, they'll have the bottom surgery soon after and that means no Child Who'm I think I've figured out which of the names I want for them
True true true hmmmmmmmm okay then let’s wait on that for now and just go with your original plan
Got it lol
Who starts?
Can you start? I’m just a bit busy rn sorry lol
It's okay! I'll be up in a moment
Astral was in the kitchen, pouring Simon his water. His original plan was to drug it, but… as the god looked down at the glass, he couldn't do it. He carried the water out, offering it to Simon.
"So, how are you adjusting so far?" he asked, turning back to the kitchen to get to cooking their meal.
“Um pretty well I guess.” Simon said softly with a small shrug. As Astral placed the water before him he sat up, moving the glass closer so he could reach, offering the god a gentle smile. He’d definitely become more comfortable around Astral in his few days here.
(ajdhdhgd stalking)
(oh thank god for this AU)
((Yes this is how we cope with the trauma lmao))
(Yes we get to have happy bois now uwu)
"I'm glad!" Astral set about cooking their dinner, smiling as he did. "I know this can all be ah… but much, but it's good to hear you're handling this well."
Simon nodded some in agreement, smiling up at Astral. “I like it here, it’s…it’s really nice.” He left out the part that probably mattered the most, just thinking it to himself, ‘you’re really nice.’ He did like being around Astral, he enjoyed all the attention the god gave to him. Even though the god wasn’t around often, when he was he just made Simon feel important.
Astral smiled in turn, looking over again.
"Good," he said, a happy look on his face, "I want to make sure you enjoy yourself here, after all." Finishing up with the food, he carried their plates over, setting Simon's down in front of him before moving to sit in the chair right next to him.
Simon started to eat, taking it slow. He didn’t think he’d be able to finish the whole meal, but he hoped he’d be close to that.
Astral kept his own pace slow, occasionally glancing at Simon. He didn't want him to feel bad for not finishing his food.
What's going on with me?! Astral thought to himself, offering Simon a smile. He was going soft, and he didn't know how to handle it.
Simon mostly just focused on his own meal, but he looked up on occasion, and when he noticed Astral smiling at him, he was quick to smile back.
Astral lit up a bit when Simon smiled back, placing his fork down after some time. He'd lost his appetite, too caught up in trying to figure out why he was being so nice to Simon. It was starting to feel genuine, and it creeped him out.
Simon didn’t keep eating too much longer after Astral stopped, not seeing a real reason to do so. “Thank you for making dinner.” He said quietly, hoping Astral wouldn’t be bothered by the fact that he didn’t finish.
((Astral like “feelings??? Wtf???” Will never not be funny to me))
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