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  • person Owner
  • person Athena331

    Created universe about 7 years ago

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  • person Cass

    Invited about 7 years ago

This universe contains...
14 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Rosalia Scientists assistant to Scottie
group Diana She is the main character of my story Atlantia. Named after the Greek goddess Diana, she is one of the queens, since there are two in this society to give light to both sides of issues.
group Estelle Stand in Queen while the sisters were too young to rule the kingdom and after the queen and king had to leave. Also a bit of an antagonist later because she believes that they can
group Scott Head scientist and advanced weapons developer.
group N/A for now. Blind warrior A guard in charge of the protection of the Queens
group The golems Puppets to their creator
group Lykos He is the perceived villain, but he is really just trying to protect the kingdom
group Adrian Healer and friend to Lykos
group Victrix Spy and warrior for Atlantia, but one of the very few who know about the other sides secret.
group Merritt Adrian's "kid"
group Adam He is the young hero, a military captain and general.
group Marcus Diana's boyfriend, spy for Atlantia in the world above.
group Brooke Queen and Leading Healer in Atlantia
group Ophelia Mother to Diana and Brooke, and Queen to Atlantia alongside Poseidon

1 location reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Kingdom of Atlantia It is built into a cliff face and on top of. The cliff is above a ravine, making it easily defendable.

4 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Medicine journal It is a thick book that was given to Brooke by Ophelia when she was little. Her mother had had it written for her youngest once she took a liking to the apothecary.
emoji_events Diana's spear It is a spear with a metal handle that leads up into a crystal blade. The part that holds the blade holds it and branches out along the side, giving her a way to hook onto people with it.
emoji_events Lykos' daggers Two daggers made of a special metal that can sever the magic connection between a golem and it's master making it dangerous for the real villain
emoji_events Adam's daggers Two daggers made of a special metal that can sever the magic connection between a golem and it's master

This universe was created by Athena331 on with 1 contributor.

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