info Overview
Name - What is Rosalia’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Rosalia go by?


Role - What is Rosalia’s role in your story?

Scientists assistant to Scottie

Age - How old is Rosalia?


Gender - What is Rosalia’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Rosalia have?


Hair Style - How does Rosalia style their hair?

Pulled back in a tight ponytail, but if she has no time and is being rushed then it is left floating around her head. And for special occasions, she has Brooke help her because she is no good at hairstyles.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Rosalia have?

She has a prosthetic right arm that she built herself, with blue, silver and purple as the colors. It has a built-in communication tablet, also able to use it to take notes and voice messages. The arm only goes down from just above the elbow and is specifically built to her size so it doesn't look out of place. She also has a lot of scarring that she hides by wearing a lab coat and pants.

Skin Tone

Tan, undertone of blue

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Rosalia have?

She had a bad past and has to remind herself that not everybody is going to hurt her. She can also be very dry when it comes to talking to others, sometimes making people feel like she doesn't like them. She does, she is just distracted with work. She can also be a little bit of a procrastinator when it comes to projects or assignments she doesn't enjoy and can tend to be a bit of a workaholic on projects she does enjoy.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Rosalia have?

She doesn't trust people very easily and is very much the wallflower of the group. She notices things most people do not and is able to tell immediately if something is off with someone. When she is nervous she will spin anything she is holding over the knuckles of her right hand, getting blindingly fast at some points and will even forget she is doing it until someone comments on it. She also cleans her arm when she is bored or anxious.

Motivations - What motivates Rosalia most?

She feels like she belongs in the city and does not want to see it destroyed. She also wants to help people who are like her and need artificial limbs. That is her talent.

Talents - What talents does Rosalia have?

Robotics, prosthetics.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Rosalia have?

She enjoys working on puzzles and playing videogames from the surface. She also keeps up with music and will sometimes have music playing as she works which will sometimes annoy others but they don't say anything. She also does follow some people on YouTube and watches the videos when she needs a break.

Personality type - What personality type is Rosalia?

She is very laid back but very perceptive. It isn't until the last man falls that she will fight, and when she fights she is very good at it. What nobody realized is that her right arm isn't all that is prosthetic. I'll come up with the rest of this later. She ends up asking the gods for assistance and strength and gets help from many different ones making her a strong warrior.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Rosalia’s favorite color?

Orange, like a sunset orange, not a tangerine orange. The soft, pinkish orange.

Favorite possession - What is Rosalia’s favorite possession?

Her first prosthetic she made herself. She keeps it to remember her past and keep her grounded and humble.

Occupation - What is Rosalia’s occupation?


Job - What job does Rosalia have?

Scientist Assistant and Head of Robotics and Prosthetics

Favorite weapon - What is Rosalia’s favorite weapon?

Her current arm.

info History
Education - What is Rosalia’s level of education?

She has a doctorate in robotics science.

Background - What is Rosalia’s background?

She was abused by her mother, her father left soon after she turned 9 and her mother blamed her for it, abusing her worse. Eventually, she got sick of it and tried to fight back one day which leads to her mother shattering her arm and pulling a knife on her. She then kicked her out of the house and left her to die. She was later found by a scout from Atlantia. She was starved, injured, and had infections from living on the street. They helped her but had to amputate her arm and maybe a couple of other limbs. Who knows.

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