info Overview
Name - What is Adam’s full name?


Role - What is Adam’s role in your story?

He is the young hero, a military captain and general.

Age - How old is Adam?


Gender - What is Adam’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Adam have?


Hair Style - How does Adam style their hair?

longer cut, messy, slight curls

Hair Color - What color is Adam’s hair?

light brown, almost a dark blond

Height - How tall is Adam?

About 5ft 2in. Still growing though

Weight - How much does Adam weigh?

97 pounds soaking wet

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Adam have?

Adam doesn't notice these for a while, but he has marks along the back of his neck. These are swirling marks, like waves, and they're a green color.

Body Type

More of an oval shape. He is built for speed, not strength. He builds up his strength but it is still not his strong suit.

Skin Tone

Blue undertone beneath his white skin

Race - What is Adam’s race?


Eye Color - What is Adam’s eye color?

Forest green, flecks of brownish gold

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Adam have?

He is sometimes too shy. He has confidence issues that keep him from offering his opinion when his is the right solution.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Adam have?

He is very shy, very quiet. He is polite, if he talks at all. He has some doubts about himself and his worth, which can be dangerous sometimes.

Motivations - What motivates Adam most?

His older brother was killed in a battle and he doesn't want anyone to experience what he did. He also just wants to be important. Both his parents also died while protecting the kingdom.

Talents - What talents does Adam have?

He is incredibly observant in battle and in life in general. He was actually gifted by Artemis with great abilities in battle strategy, and also by Theia, the titaness of sight. This is why he is so observant

Hobbies - What hobbies does Adam have?

He loves solving puzzles, and just problems in general.

Personality type - What personality type is Adam?

He is the cinnamon roll. He is the character that would make you proud in a show

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Adam’s favorite color?


Favorite possession - What is Adam’s favorite possession?

His daggers

Occupation - What is Adam’s occupation?

He is a royal guard

Favorite animal - What is Adam’s favorite animal?

A cat

Favorite weapon - What is Adam’s favorite weapon?

Daggers that are made of a special type of metal that can kill the golems that the villain "uses"

info History
Education - What is Adam’s level of education?

He went through high school, and then went to the military.

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This character was created by Athena331 on

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