info Overview
Name - What is Victrix’s full name?


Other names - What other aliases does Victrix go by?


Role - What is Victrix’s role in your story?

Spy and warrior for Atlantia, but one of the very few who know about the other sides secret.

Age - How old is Victrix?


Gender - What is Victrix’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Victrix style their hair?

Always down. Longer side bangs, coarse-looking, straight and short cut. Asymmetrical haircut nearly buzzed on one side but longer on the other.

Hair Color - What color is Victrix’s hair?

Black with highlights of blue

Height - How tall is Victrix?

5ft 3in

Weight - How much does Victrix weigh?

110 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Victrix have?

She has a birthmark on her neck, almost in the shape of a crescent moon.

Body Type

Short, light build. She is built for stealth and speed

Skin Tone

Blue-tinged, darker skin tone

Race - What is Victrix’s race?


Eye Color - What is Victrix’s eye color?

Electric Blue

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Victrix have?

She sometimes doesn't take things serious enough and finds battles fun. She can get herself injured and hide them very well, sometimes leading to her collapsing to the floor. That occasion is very rare.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Victrix have?

She loves to jump scare people. She is fond of the shadows and being hidden. She is a very quiet person naturally, so she sometimes scares people on accident.

Motivations - What motivates Victrix most?

She just wants to live, but she also feels a responsibility to the kingdom since she was pretty much raised in the castle.

Talents - What talents does Victrix have?

Fighting. She is almost as good as Diana, and way better when Diana first arrives. Eventually, everything comes back to Diana and Vic has to fight to bring herself higher. She still finds it fun.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Victrix have?

She enjoys sparing, but also outfit designing. The main seamstress for the royals loves her since she always has the most beautiful drawings for them to take inspiration from or to copy directly.

Personality type - What personality type is Victrix?

Silly, fun loving. She has full confidence in herself, making it easy for her to have fun during a battle. She is really good at fighting since she is so confident, and is able to do so many things because she doesn't second guess herself.

groups Social
Job - What job does Victrix have?

Main spy for Atlantia, and secondary guard for the queens.

Favorite weapon - What is Victrix’s favorite weapon?

Throwing knives or crossbow.

info History
Background - What is Victrix’s background?

She showed a talent for fighting when she was very little, so her parents put her into training early. She excelled past most expectations and ended up being training by Poseidon himself. She could hold off a god if she needed to, because of his training.

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