info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

The Universe

Description - How would you describe The Universe?

Another Universe that is not our own.

Genre - What genre best describes The Universe?

Drama, Sci-Fi, Spiritual, Drama, Action-Adventure, Horror, Suspense

book History
History - What is The Universe’s history?

Every piece of history up to the mid-14th century is the same as ours.

Origin - How did The Universe originate?

The same way our own universe did.

gavel Rules
Technology - What is the level of technology like in The Universe?

Highly advanced from our own.

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in The Universe?

Same as ours

Magic System - What is the magic system like in The Universe?

No magic(reports or few people with “special abilities” & Celestial Beings)

edit Notes

The Sun was going out and another civilization intervened to help(no actual contact). There was a massive exodus from planet Earth sometime during the Mid 14th Century. All history from that time and before is exactly like our own. Higher technological beings sent star ships and tech for us on different parts of the Earth. Navigation was already put in so different countries were sent to different planets/clusters(Europe sent to one planet, Africa sent to another, Americas sent to another, etc.). Many of the tech and advancements that are present in this universe has similarities but may differences due to the human race progressing on several different planets. Culture becomes more rich due to distance and technology becomes more accepted from the fact that they were moved here. A good potion of the tech given became degraded however the first technologies that were focused was communication and transportation. Networked pathways discovered and created to offer quick transportation & communication to and from planets, solar systems & other galaxies.

history Changelog
This universe contains...
22 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Lee(? Change Name Later) Engineer, Physicist, Genius, Tech Savant
group Henry Scientist, Electronics-explosives engineer.
group Valerie Head Scientist, Intelligence Engineer
group Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow Multiple Roles(scientists, main and supporting character), Combat Medic(Amber Team)
group Salvador M. Stone
group Sojourner Kretlow Daughter of Sasha and Jacob
group Joseph Kretlow Stillborn
group Jacob Leo Kretlow Multiple Roles(scientists, robotics tech, main and supporting character)
group Thomas Coltley
group K.T. Part of Amber Team, Pilot, Sniper
group Haley Kretlow Daughter of Sasha and Jacob
group Cyrene Villain
group Hilda
group Cassandra
group Seth Mishal
group The Detective
group Aimee One of the Heads of Rebellion, Victor’s(Roman) lover
group Vijay Khatri Team leader(Amber Team)
group Amber Talpen Part of Amber Team. Is Heavy Gunner/Demolitions Expert
group Evin Crowe Girlfriend of Kaiden, leaders of uprising/breakout
group Dylan Crowe Brother of Evin
group Kaiden Ossein Main Character, Mentions in other series, boyfriend of Evin, leaders of uprising/breakout

1 location reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Labour Camp Underground cavern network.

8 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Backpack Grenade A backpack usually lined/ filled with plastic explosives or dynamite. Can be remotely detonated or run off of a timer or proximity.
emoji_events Kaiden's Outfit Athletic-based wear. Helps to regulate and amplify abilities.
emoji_events Cricket Grenade A cricket ball that has been bored out and retrofitted with explosive material inside
emoji_events Seth's Outfit Industrial-looking outfit that is used for everyday wear and can double as a flight/space suit.
emoji_events Evin's Dampeners Metal, Semi-sponge items that attach "stick" to her ears, arms and around her neck(5 pieces in total). Protects her hearing and voice whenever she uses her powers for long periods of time & keeps h...
emoji_events Sasha’s Entries Short entries about certain parts of her life experiences/events
emoji_events Bone Piece of a bone that was broken off of Roman’s arm. Extremely dence. Near unbreakable
emoji_events Wire(Proxy) Explosive Three small explosives connected/linked to a wire that go off when wire is "tripped".

1 building reorder
business Buildings close
business Shelby Station Tall, square building(circular on inside). Attached to multiple loading docks on bottom levels

2 countries reorder
flag Countries close
flag City of Tilfur (West Pointe) Megatropolis(very high tech). Smaller than most countries in sector. Most of country surrounded by water/docks.
flag City of Tilfur (East Pointe)

3 landmarks reorder
location_on Landmarks close
location_on SyntheTEK Corp. (R&D Building)
location_on 73942 Shelby Station, Level 8 Sasha and Jacob’s home
location_on Marie Farmstead Vegetable, fruit & grain farm. About 500 acres in size.

3 magics reorder
flash_on Magics close
flash_on Telekinesis
flash_on Electricity Manipulation
flash_on Camouflage/Concealment The ability to physically blend into one's environment to any colour as well as become completely translucent or transparent(excluding the eyes).

4 planets reorder
public Planets close
public أوراسيا (Eurasia)
public Zeta-Novus Bio-Synthetic Planet
public .. Center of most technological advancements and discoveries
public Zera Destroyed. Derelict Planet

8 technologies reorder
router Technologies close
router MediOptics Synthetic metal surgically placed/grafted in the eye. Connected directly to the optic nerve and macula.
router Conc/I\erge
router Green Shield Near-Transparent energy dome with a greenish shimmer/hue
router SLINGSHOT Looks like a bullet train with a large engine on the back and front w/ little propulsion’s around the bottom of it.
router X 3/9 Transponder Memory Chip
router InfilSuit MK2 Stealth suit used for taking information or supplies in high risk areas.
router InfilSuit MK1
router Star Projection Silver ball with several blue lights

1 town reorder
location_city Towns close
location_city City of Glisten Clean, chrome and platinum in most places. Has a “Tomorrowland” look to it. “Green” nature sites spread through the city.

This universe was created by Michael Cochran on

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