The Universe
Another Universe that is not our own.
Drama, Sci-Fi, Spiritual, Drama, Action-Adventure, Horror, Suspense
Every piece of history up to the mid-14th century is the same as ours.
The same way our own universe did.
Highly advanced from our own.
Same as ours
No magic(reports or few people with “special abilities” & Celestial Beings)
The Sun was going out and another civilization intervened to help(no actual contact). There was a massive exodus from planet Earth sometime during the Mid 14th Century. All history from that time and before is exactly like our own. Higher technological beings sent star ships and tech for us on different parts of the Earth. Navigation was already put in so different countries were sent to different planets/clusters(Europe sent to one planet, Africa sent to another, Americas sent to another, etc.). Many of the tech and advancements that are present in this universe has similarities but may differences due to the human race progressing on several different planets. Culture becomes more rich due to distance and technology becomes more accepted from the fact that they were moved here. A good potion of the tech given became degraded however the first technologies that were focused was communication and transportation. Networked pathways discovered and created to offer quick transportation & communication to and from planets, solar systems & other galaxies.
This universe was created by Michael Cochran on
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