info Overview
Name - What is Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow’s full name?

Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow

Age - How old is Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow?

58(Physically looks in early thirties--Lived to be 162)

Gender - What is Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow go by?


Role - What is Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow’s role in your story?

Multiple Roles(scientists, main and supporting character), Combat Medic(Amber Team)

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow have?


Hair Style - How does Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow style their hair?

Long hair, wavy

Hair Color - What color is Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow’s hair?

Strawberry Blonde

Height - How tall is Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow?

5’9 - 5’10

Weight - How much does Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow have?

Scar along left rib from injury(had surgery, decided to keep scar), Implant masked as a tattoo on inside forearm, Has freckles

Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow’s race?

White, Irish(Celtic)

Eye Color - What is Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature

Grief(?) from loss of children. Learns to get through it relying on her husband.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow have?

Confident and welcoming, sometimes is quick to correct people(often apologies later on)

Motivations - What motivates Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow most?

Her husband Jacob, helping and healing people

Flaws - What flaws does Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow have?

Unwilling to listen when she has her mind made up. Sporadic brain. Kind of everywhere(focuses on multiple things at once)

Talents - What talents does Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow have?

Climbing, master surgeon, knows how to easily read people and groups of people(except her husband at times)

Hobbies - What hobbies does Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow have?

Reading, Looking at City, Walking in the rain, Climbing

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow’s favorite weapon?


Favorite color - What is Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow’s occupation?

Scientist, Medic, Business Owner

Politics - What politics does Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow have?


Religion - What religion does Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow practice?


Job - What job does Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow have?

Scientist, Doctor/Surgeon

info History
Birthday - When is Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow’s birthday?

July 23, 2457

April 6, 2619

Background - What is Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow’s background?

Farm girl. Learned how to be a mechanic on the farmstead. at age 17 joined and militia to be a field medic and surgeon(there for 15 years). Meets her husband in the militia and on the same small tactical team(Amber Team). 5 years in, she loses both her arms just above the elbow in an explosion/toture(?)
Creates invention for Medioptics during end of military career. Jacob and her found SyntheTEK Corp. in 2494(she is 37 at this time)

Company Created:
Infilsuit MK I & II
P.V.S.(Personalized Virtual Simulator)
Urban & Mining Developments
S.F.(Starfish) Retainer(Helps grow limbs back naturally/organically using robotics and synthetics).

Education - What is Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow’s level of education?

Military training and education(fill out more later)

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Projects herself and her personality as usually the complete opposite for what she actually is. Extremely charismatic however shrouds herself coming off as reserved and to herself. Generally she is a natural leader based off of many of her decisions(usually would rather have someone else have the credit) and is more concerned with solving a problem and moving on to the next.

Constantly sees the best in people(a trait that was in grained further from her husband) & many of inventions and character are toward bettering community. People are drawn to her due to her "reserved" personality as they find her easy(welcoming) to talk to.

Struggles fuel her to push harder and further to solve problems. What breaks most people causes her to fix(sometimes in "unethical" ways) the issue. In her eyes, if a problem is negatively affecting someone, it must be solved before it becomes worse and cause bad side effects in the future.

Speaks her mind(sometimes bashful) on things due to her experience. Logic driven and laces her words with emotion to better communicate with people. Never looks back on a decision-no matter what.

Fought with her daughter sometimes(both headstrong) on opposing ideals however fully gives her support when she knows that her daughter has made concrete decisions.

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Item chevron_right Original Owners link linked Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow

Group chevron_right Leaders link linked Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow

Group chevron_right Members link linked Sasha Marie-Ann Kretlow

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This character was created by Michael Cochran on

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