info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Genre - What genre best describes Itoria?


Description - How would you describe Itoria?

Your everyday fantasy universe

book History
gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Itoria?

Earthly physics but with some alchemy

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Itoria?

Your normal magic system with elemental magic, than there's energy magic and finally ther's energy defying magic for the world but that's for later ;p

edit Notes
history Changelog
  • person Owner
  • person Your Humerus

    Created universe about 7 years ago

  • group_add Contributors
  • person Twin

    Invited about 7 years ago

  • person Sidne

    Invited about 7 years ago

folder_open Gods
This universe contains...
1 item reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Amythest cobra A cobra turned into a solid amethyst germ. Its deep purple core shines in the light.

6 countries reorder
flag Countries close
flag Morgul A lava country full of demons and monsters. but other than that A really nice place
flag Lineria The run of the mill kind of fantasy kingdom. Lineria is a human run kingdom having thousands of years of ancient myths and legends.
flag Propellza A flying country built on the foundation of the metal and wind god's power.
flag Arachnicadia A country run by the Archids which are practically arachnid people
flag Zahara A desert area full of thieves, raiders and such. Many of the rich folk travel for it's beautiful mountain dunes, and their wise sand monks.
flag Clannad A country divided into tiny states split by elements and their respective clans.

16 deities reorder
ac_unit Deities close
ac_unit Flouraline Plant/life goddess of all that grows.
ac_unit Balancor. The balance god of all that is equal and even.
ac_unit Aquto The water goddess of all that resides in the sea.
ac_unit Minertha The earth god of rock and stone.
ac_unit Ordria The god of order and light, in other words the good god
ac_unit Freezius The Ice cold frost goddess Freezius Is a terror for those who do not follow her loyally
ac_unit Windria The wind goddess of all that flies in the skies.
ac_unit Dreadvia The god of all that is chaos and darkness. So the bad god.
ac_unit Knor The knowledge god.
ac_unit Frictus The red hot fire god of apocalypse and destruction.
ac_unit Cronos The metal god of all that makes a blade, a blade
ac_unit Zarnos The lightning god of that that rumbles throughout the sky.
ac_unit Wargor The war god of Itoria creating conflict throughout the land.
ac_unit Zahulu The god of sands and all that reside in his domain.
ac_unit Mui The music god.
ac_unit Fi The goddess of fianance

3 groups reorder
wc Groups close
wc The golden scales A banking faction who's primary goal is to make money whether that be from running banks to running escort missions.
wc Blades of glory A war faction based on raising the best warriors.
wc Sharp scales Thieving guild.

8 magics reorder
flash_on Magics close
flash_on Chaos spells Spells that use the power of Dreadvia and darkness.
flash_on Order spells Light/Healing magic that uses the power of the order goddess
flash_on Balance spells A magic that controls equality, physics and time
flash_on Flame spells With the intention of harm, flame magic is for all those pyromaniacs out there.
flash_on War spells Despite the fact that it uses the war element, war magic doesn't harm people physically
flash_on Water spells Spells for an all kind purpose (kinda like waterbending)
flash_on Earth spells The magic to control all that is under our feet.
flash_on Nature spells Spells that have an all around purpose from physical to healing

1 planet reorder
public Planets close
public Tinktria Billions of light years away, A small planet lies in wait. The steam punk world of Itoria

1 race reorder
face Races close
face The humains Humans in a sense. The humains are what humans should and shouldn't be all in one.

1 religion reorder
brightness_7 Religions close
brightness_7 Chaos cult The dark religion worshiping Dreadvia and her reincarnations.

This universe was created by Your Humerus on with 4 contributors.

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