info Overview
Name - What is Flouraline's name?


Other Names - What other names is Flouraline known by?

Nature's beauty
The plant goddess

Description - How would you describe Flouraline?

Plant/life goddess of all that grows.

accessibility Appearance
Physical Description - How would you describe what Flouraline looks like physically?

Think a female version of archia, since Galathan's were created in Flouraline's own image.

Weight - How much does Flouraline weigh?


Height - How tall is Flouraline?


supervisor_account Family
thumbs_up_down Symbolism
Elements - What elements are commonly associated with Flouraline?

Plants and Life.

Symbols - What symbols are commonly associated with Flouraline?

All colors of green and certain browns and whites.

grade Powers
Weaknesses - What are Flouraline's weaknesses?


Strengths - What are Flouraline's strengths?

All that grows
Living things

import_contacts Rituals
Rituals - What rituals are commonly associated with Flouraline? How do they work?

Mostly chants in the name of the goddess

Prayers - What prayers are commonly associated with Flouraline? How do followers pray?

Prayers are centered around a living tree or a recently dead tree for revival's

Human Interaction - How often does Flouraline interact with their followers? In what ways?

Flouraline is cursed in the sense that she must take a humanoid host every extinction for 500 years, this can lead to some very major problems in power differences between races, luckily Archia is the current host of Floualine, In turn making making archia's life span that of a tree's which can be for hundreds of thousands of years, this also gives archia's abilities a power up to that of a demi-god (Archia is practically one)

timeline History
Notable Events - What notable events throughout history has Flouraline been a part of?

Invasion of fire
Fifth extinction.

Family History - What is Flouraline's family history?


history Changelog
edit Notes

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