info Overview
Name - What is Archia Wildgrove’s full name?

Archia Wildgrove

Other names - What other aliases does Archia Wildgrove go by?

the last of the tree angels

Role - What is Archia Wildgrove’s role in your story?

Archer,Alchemist,Adventurer,Keeper of the trees

Age - How old is Archia Wildgrove?


Gender - What is Archia Wildgrove’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Archia Wildgrove have?


Hair Style - How does Archia Wildgrove style their hair?

Messy, with lots of twigs and leaves in it

Hair Color - What color is Archia Wildgrove’s hair?

Lime green-ish with plants and twigs in his hair.

Height - How tall is Archia Wildgrove?


Weight - How much does Archia Wildgrove weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Archia Wildgrove have?

Looks like he has specks of bark for skin

Body Type

The world may never know

Skin Tone

Very pale, Nearly white

Race - What is Archia Wildgrove’s race?

Galathan (wood angel)

Eye Color - What is Archia Wildgrove’s eye color?

Deep red

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Archia Wildgrove have?

He can't stand to see any nature come to harm.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Archia Wildgrove have?

He loves making humans his poison test subjects

Motivations - What motivates Archia Wildgrove most?


Prejudices - What prejudices does Archia Wildgrove have?

Humans fucking suck unless they can prove to him that they aint so sucky

Talents - What talents does Archia Wildgrove have?

He can make potions like no other. He's also a pretty good shot with his custom made long bow.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Archia Wildgrove have?

Making a deadlier poison than his last

Personality type - What personality type is Archia Wildgrove?

Just a tad chaotic. (just a tad)

Magical abilities

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Archia Wildgrove’s favorite color?

Dark green

Favorite food - What is Archia Wildgrove’s favorite food?


Occupation - What is Archia Wildgrove’s occupation?

A wanderer

Politics - What politics does Archia Wildgrove have?

He can sweet talk the hell out of anything

Religion - What religion does Archia Wildgrove practice?

He is Flouraline's demi-god/host

Favorite weapon - What is Archia Wildgrove’s favorite weapon?

Custom made galthan long bow

Favorite animal - What is Archia Wildgrove’s favorite animal?


Favorite possession - What is Archia Wildgrove’s favorite possession?

His forest

info History
Background - What is Archia Wildgrove’s background?

Archia is the last Galathan on Itoria his father was a galthan but his mother was a witch doctor, his mother could see ghosts and she was always frightened of Archia because one ghost would not stop following him, In fact this was not a ghost but the Plant goddess Flouraline (See flouraline's page for her curse) Arcia is now Flouraline's host which annoys the hell out of him, he tries to keep it a secret but sometimes secrets get out. Sometimes Flouraline takes over archia kinda making him a female when she takes over, this doesn't mean flouraline takes over Archia's body but switches places with him so he's the one in her head, in turn making Flouraline an actual goddess and Archia a demi-god

Education - What is Archia Wildgrove’s level of education?

All of nature's gifts

Birthday - When is Archia Wildgrove’s birthday?

When the first tree in the Wild grove forest was planted

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Archia Wildgrove have?

All the forests

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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