info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Genre - What genre best describes Ist?

Cosmic Fantasy

Description - How would you describe Ist?

A world of auras, magic and exploration

book History
History - What is Ist’s history?

Ist's history is split into 4 Eras, the Pre-Era, Y'lahil Era, 2nd Era and 3rd Era, Each divided by some cataclysmic or revolutionary event.

gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in Ist?

The Magic system is split into 5 main categories which each draw power from a separate source.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Ist?

Technologies can vastly vary in type and level of complexity. There are huge mechanical beings, and Magical Stone supercomputers

edit Notes
history Changelog
  • person Owner
  • person charlie crome

    Created universe about 7 years ago

  • group_add Contributors
This universe contains...
9 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Minobi A great Mega-Spirit, a collective intelligence that was formed by the fusing of the many lost souls of the world. After many millennia being trapped in the mortal realm it was forced to split and c...
group Meud
group Cyrsil
group Rakk
group Agents of Chaos Mysterious ancient beings who's role in world history has been lost to time. They once rode the sea of Chaos, great oceans of being itself, locked in eternal battle, until they were trapped forever...
group Uem A superintelligence made from Y’lahilian Ist computers, while it nearly had the knowledge and perception of any of the great lords of new, it was limited by its physical constraints from reality, u...
group Yov-Uxhd
group Valkxurr
group Nyrnhir

29 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Spine of the world The Spine of the world is the largest mountain range in the world that seperates the west and the east on the main continent. It caused large amounts of cultural separation throughout history, bloc...
terrain Broken Range
terrain The Frozen Thumb A very cold peninsular in the far north-east of [[Country-1804]]. Very sparsely populated and those that do live there are mostly insane cannibals.
terrain Everhtyl Canyon
terrain Hyechon Sea
terrain Talesi Elsari A large World Sapling Embued with part of the spirit of the first seed
terrain The Grand Plains A huge area of agriculture and untamed mostly flat plains in asmyae. It produces a large amount of the western civilized world's food.
terrain The Black Isles A series of islands known for their illegal and cutthroat trades due to having no government.
terrain Vzayk Waste
terrain Westwood
terrain Woshal plains
terrain The cursed hands
terrain Valley of bones A large desert in east-central Routeau Surrounded by mountains
terrain Zenabi woodland
terrain The Heartroot A dense forest of huge trees, that grew so large from the nutrients of the long rotted Tree of Life. Trees get denser as you head towards the centre, the majority of the forest is so dense it block...
terrain Chuccan Forest
terrain Northern Olsen range
terrain Agmal Jungle
terrain Sapphire Range A mountain range in the far east regarded for it's high sapphire content
terrain Blood Forest Blood forest gets its name from its blood red birch trees.
terrain Ziss Atol
terrain Jyaddish Fjordlands
terrain Kvali Split
terrain Dragontongue Isles
terrain White Coast
terrain Rootmother One of the world trees. Located within [[Country-1824]], it is one of the largest in the world by volume. It was formed thousands of years ago when the tree of life died
terrain Mount Ulaangol
terrain Xlij Ait
terrain Eastern Mountains A range of over 1000km, the mountains aren't as high as many in the west, but are high enough to have isolated the 2 sides of the eastern continent from each other

10 countries reorder
flag Countries close
flag Woshal A dangerous country. Only the Insane, stupid or unimaginably brave would ever choose to find themselves here. The country is inhabited by a family of beings called the Drallith. They are descended ...
flag Agril A reasonably sized nation, largely covered by mega forest or open planes, it is the richest country in the world controlling the world via the 3rd Alk Dominion.
flag Asmyae
flag Ofrye The seat for the Council of the 3rd Alk Dominion. The 3rd richest nation and the 2nd most influential behind Agril. The far north is home to Sea Ice and Ice sheets, with a temple city made of ice. ...
flag Daeyn A poor country, but one of great variety. From the tundra in the far north to the Mediterranean south, it has a vastly varied climate as it spans far vertically. As such it has many cultures and va...
flag Korebat
flag Routeau A very sparsely populated place. Almost no one lives in the central desert, and the surronding mountains are equally arid. The dense rainforest along the southern coast are almost impenetrable and ...
flag Olsen Cold, mountainous in the north, cold and flat in the south
flag Y'lan Alari A small nation-state which detached from Agril a few hundred years ago after diplomatic disputes.
flag Susca

23 creatures reorder
pets Creatures close
pets Gaanor Strong, fast, beastmen rarely seen due to their habit of killing any passers by on sight. Thought to be at least 3 times as strong as the strongest Miruuk. Extremely infertile and aggressive so rar...
pets Millipod
pets Arachnoid
pets Animalian
pets Centipod
pets Piscine
pets Aquine
pets Elefont
pets Aravari
pets Mechanoid
pets Reaper
pets Spirit
pets Luftbaat
pets Sandwyrm
pets Subspirit
pets Grand Aravari
pets Priyms
pets Colossi Colossi are huge creatures, that usually resemble walking islands or something similar. They are usually ancient from a mortal perspective, but are nowhere near as old ...
pets Megasloth
pets Heliocine
pets Dustboar
pets Bloodwolf
pets Elemental

1 group reorder
wc Groups close
wc Y'lahol Direct puritans of the Y'lahil

6 magics reorder
flash_on Magics close
flash_on Exth Exth, first and foremost, is the practice of using life itself as a potent fuel for channeling ist. This life may be supplied by either the user or sacrifices, whether willing or unwilling. I...
flash_on Noxi Noxi is a power that draws from the demons of old. It uses pacts with ancient beings ofalien realms from a forgotten time to gain Ist. Similar to Alths, Noxi gets its power from Other realms or spi...
flash_on Rezu Rezudraws power from the state of mind and body. It’s a dualistic force with 2 opposing sides, inner peace and the highly excitable force of the mind. Practicers of Rezu believe that one’s inner st...
flash_on Zlii Zlii is seen as the most common type of Ist amongst elementalists, as it requires little to no conditions to cast. Zlii is also the weakest form of Ist however, it draws it’s power from the residua...
flash_on Grey Magic A magic of unknown origin, perhaps drawn from limbo, it displays metaphysical qualities completely unlike that of other magics.
flash_on Alths Alths is the most common type of Ist used with non mages, it draws its power from the lords of new, meaning a holy oath of worship to the god from which the power is being borrowed.

14 races reorder
face Races close
face Alk The Alk are descendants of the most ancient race on record -the Y’lahil. Because of this, the Alk are extremely fixed in their methods, routed in tradition.
face abyssal one
face Zou Shorter than most Humanoids, they have jet black, slightly translucent skin, with the inner glow of their Ist visible to the untrained eye. They have channels under their skin that allow for Ist to...
face Pren
face Grey Pren
face Feyline Upright Cat-like race
face Y'lahil
face Yōkai 4 armed, skin tones can be red, white, blue or black. Similar to Japanese demons, they often have white or gold hair.
face Primordials
face OnionKin Giant onions. With legs and arms.
face Dreyir
face Miruuk Miruuk are loud, expressive and say what they think. Thankfully, they are often friendly and well meaning, however an ill intentioned Miruuk won’t hold back with being aggressive or...
face Acora While technically a separate race from Alk, a fully grown Acora is often mistaken for an adolescent Alk by other races for their similarity. Their commonalities stem from ...
face Dranur Humans, but known as Dranur by the 3rd Alk Dominion

This universe was created by charlie crome on with 1 contributor.

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