- What is Yōkai named?
- How would you describe Yōkai's people?
4 armed, skin tones can be red, white, blue or black. Similar to Japanese demons, they often have white or gold hair.
General height
- How tall is the average Yōkai?
Skin colors
- What skin color(s) are common on the Yōkai race?
Blue, Red, White or Black
Physical variance
- How much variance is there between individuals of the Yōkai race?
can vary in limb number, skin tone, hair colour and whether they have horns
Notable features
- What physical features on a Yōkai are most noticeable?
2-6 arms, often with a symbolic "Halo" behind their head. Some have horns
General weight
- How heavy is the average Yōkai?
140kg/22 stone
This race was created by charlie crome on
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