Rezudraws power from the state of mind and body. It’s a dualistic force with 2 opposing sides, inner peace and the highly excitable force of the mind. Practicers of Rezu believe that one’s inner state will dictate how they perform in life and in battle. It ismost commonly practiced by Miruuk and Zou, Miruuk using the Ferocity path and Zou using Harmony. Rezu style is often a form of Ist used alongside martial combat, as it becomes more powerful with rage and inner peace, however it is also seen in Miruuk-berserker combat, enhancing their will to the point where those not trained in Ist will lose the will to fight and concede before the user has even moved a muscle. Similar to Exth, in Rezu, a condition must be met before a user can use Rezu to it’s full potential. In the case of rage and aggression, Rezu is used to enhance bloodlust, often on a battlefield which gives a short lived state of hyper awareness, allowing the user to react quickly and predict an opponent's next move, using Rezu to heighten the strength and chance of a killing blow. In the case of harmony, Rezu has a much higher potential for great power. Martial Rezu used in the far east is used with all the benefits of berserker Rezu, but with the additional bonus of using Rezu within unarmed techniques. If the path of determination is chosen, one can achieve the benefits of heightened awareness constantly, through Rez meditation. One must choose one of the two paths before they begin their journey into Rezu, this is often done by following down a path of a mentor, or by visiting a monastery or a house of mind. Once the individual chooses a path, they progress further through it, and gain experience. The further one goes down one of the paths, the harder and more dangerous it becomes to try to change to the other path.