info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?


Description - How would you describe Fernweh?

A pocket dimension.

Genre - What genre best describes Fernweh?

Dark fantasy, Romance

date_range History
Origin - How did Fernweh originate?

From a god who wanted to protect her kin

History - What is Fernweh’s history?

Usually Peaceful with time periods of high conflict

gavel Systems
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Fernweh?

Typically the same as earth

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Fernweh?

Instinctual, but wild. A person's skills are instinctual, but hard to control at first.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Fernweh?

Minor earth like technology. Different races are different this way, but many represent medieval times aesthetics

edit Notes
Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for Fernweh?

A dream I had that I found amazing. I knew I had to write it

This universe contains...
1 location reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Fernweh Fernweh (N.) Origin: German -An ache for distant places; A strong desire to travel to far off places; Being homesick for a place you've never been; A longing for unseen places, even stronger ...

1 condition reorder
bubble_chart Conditions close
bubble_chart Vampiric Anemia The condition of vampires who aren't drinking enough blood, causing a large decrease in red blood cells

1 creature reorder
pets Creatures close
pets Familiar An Animal who is made of magic or was exposed to magic constantly for most of its life, and has gained higher intelligence and magical capabilities. These animals choose someone who is also made of...

4 races reorder
face Races close
face Fae Intrinsically connected with nature in a way even witches and shifters can't understand. A beautiful and whimsical race.
face Witch Humanoid beings with energy flowing through their veins, that they can use to affect the world around them
face Vampire Humanoid beings who cannot produce their own blood cells and live off blood of other humanoids, in exchange for strength and other benefits
face Siren A water dwelling race, that eats other ocean creatures (and the occasional human), mysterious and tend to hoard the secrets the ocean reveals. They could be considered a sister race to the Fae.

This universe was created by Hannah Bridges on

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