info Overview
Name - What is Luna Blackwood’s full name?

Luna Blackwood

Role - What is Luna Blackwood’s role in your story?


Gender - What is Luna Blackwood’s gender?


Age - How old is Luna Blackwood?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Luna Blackwood weigh?

120 lbs

Height - How tall is Luna Blackwood?


Hair Color - What color is Luna Blackwood’s hair?

Chocolate Brown

Hair Style - How does Luna Blackwood style their hair?

Long hair, straight

Eye Color - What is Luna Blackwood’s eye color?

Cornflower blue

Race - What is Luna Blackwood’s race?


Linked Races

Skin Tone


Body Type

Skinny, Average Height, Has a very lean build

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Luna Blackwood have?

Her blue eyes that contrast with her dark hair. Her eyes are a sign of royalty as witches normally don't turn blue unless using their magic.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Luna Blackwood have?

Fidgeting, Tucking her hair behind her ear when she's thinking about something

Motivations - What motivates Luna Blackwood most?


Flaws - What flaws does Luna Blackwood have?

She's a chronic overthinker and has trouble asking for help as the leader of the group. She will avoid conflict with friends and family rather than potentially getting hurt.

Talents - What talents does Luna Blackwood have?

Caring for plants, extensive knowledge of plants and their uses, Herbalism, Level headed when stress isn't overwhelming her. The largest IQ in the group- at genius level.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Luna Blackwood have?

Going out into nature alone, reading, stargazing, drying and growing plants

Personality type - What personality type is Luna Blackwood?



Chronic Anxiety, Insomnia

groups Social
Occupation - What is Luna Blackwood’s occupation?

University Student/Botony Major

Favorite color - What is Luna Blackwood’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Luna Blackwood’s favorite food?

Angel Hair Pasta with cream sauce

Favorite possession - What is Luna Blackwood’s favorite possession?

A necklace her parents gave her with a moon on it for her name. She never wears it, but keeps in safe in a display case that she can look at all the time

Favorite weapon - What is Luna Blackwood’s favorite weapon?

Poisons, Often on tipped Arrows.

Favorite animal - What is Luna Blackwood’s favorite animal?

Bees. They help plants grow so much and she thinks they're underrated.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Luna Blackwood’s birthday?

September 22

Education - What is Luna Blackwood’s level of education?


Background - What is Luna Blackwood’s background?

Grew up with her parents in a nice apartment.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Luna Blackwood have?

Her parents have a cat and a illegal raven, and so they are the family pets (they're her parents familiars, though Luna is initially unaware of this)

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Luna is probably the character most similar to me. There are many differences however. It was never intended for her to resemble me at all, but since she's a witch, and a bit neurotic, the similarities built up. However, while I have highly disabling anxiety, Luna is much more functional, at least to everyone else. When I noticed her similarity to me, I had to ask my self if that's what I wanted. How do I see her? In reality, she's a strong leader, but she second guesses herself too much. She's the type to stay up late when all her friends have gone to bed, just to run their strategy over and over in her head a hundred more times. She's kind of like Namjoon. You know, a leader who always worries about whether they are doing a good job at leading, but in reality are the epitome of a smart and kind leader. She's smart, sarcastic, and rather neurotic. But she has a noticable kindness and warmth. If Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi had a magical love child, it would definitely be her. I love her very much, and I hope you all look forward to reading about her struggles and growth (and her epic sarcasm). In terms of finding out she was born in a whole different dimension, is literally royalty, and that she isn't human, she certainly takes it best, besides Sadie obviously. She has already exhausted every other possible explanation, and this is the only lead she has. On top of that, being a witch wouldn't be as morally reprehensible to humans compared to Vampires and Sirens. Nothing about being a witch goes against her morals, and really is more freeing. She likes leading and having a say, to the point of perfectionism, and is more prepared mentally to lead an entire country than her friends. For her, it's more the events and struggles they encounter from outside forces in Fernweh that cause her distress.

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This character was created by Hannah Bridges on

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