info Overview
Name - What is Vampiric Anemia 's name?

Vampiric Anemia

Description - Describe Vampiric Anemia .

The condition of vampires who aren't drinking enough blood, causing a large decrease in red blood cells

Type of condition - What kind of condition is Vampiric Anemia ?


Alternate names - What other names is Vampiric Anemia known by?

Similar to Hemolytic Anemia

bubble_chart Causes
Lifestyle factors - What lifestyle factors affect how contractable or effective Vampiric Anemia is?

Not drinking enough

Epidemiology - How is Vampiric Anemia controlled or quarantined? How does it first occur?

Typically one should make sure they get enough blood daily. Vampires need to drink once a day at least to be healthy, but can manage missing up to 48 hours, after that effects of the condition set in, with thirst, paleness, and fatigue

local_hospital Effects
Visual effects - How does Vampiric Anemia manifest visually?

Paleness, Gaunt Features, Weight and muscle loss

Mental effects - How does Vampiric Anemia affect the mind?

Because of increasing amounts of thirst, it's likely anyone with this condition would struggle around other people's or animals blood, and would have violent thoughts regarding it. It's one of the only times they would consider hunting animals.

Symptoms - What are the symptoms of Vampiric Anemia ?

Increasing Thirst, Fatigue, Poor Circulation (or none at all), violent thoughts, Blood lust

Duration - How long does Vampiric Anemia last?

Until enough blood as been drunk.

Prognosis - How deadly is Vampiric Anemia ? What is the most likely outcome for those who contract it?

Vampires are long lived and hardy, so they'd have to live without blood of decades for it to actually kill them, but with this condition they are increasingly violent and would likely get themselves killed. It's also not a particularly fun illness and would be torturous to live so long with it, meaning blood will be desperately looked for, making the chances of dying from it very low.

healing Treatment
Prevention - How do people keep from contracting Vampiric Anemia ?

Drink blood daily or at least once every 48 hours

Diagnostic method - How do doctors determine whether someone has Vampiric Anemia ?

Typically signs are very obvious, but a healer of any race can ask questions and figure it out if it's less clear

Treatment - What is the treatment for Vampiric Anemia ?

Rest, and daily blood, for as long as up to two weeks, depending on how long was spent not drinking

Medication - What medicines help treat Vampiric Anemia ?


bar_chart Analysis
Specialty - What specialty/field is most relevant to understanding Vampiric Anemia ?

Most healers are familiar with it, but vampire healers are more specialized in it, as it's their own condition

Rarity - How rare is Vampiric Anemia ?

It's pretty uncommon, but not rare either.

date_range History
Origin - Where did Vampiric Anemia originate?


edit Notes

Much of this was to give an actual medical name for vampiric starvation and the effects it has on a vampires body. My research led me to a real life condition with a similar way of functioning and I knew that my vampire Mara, would be assumed to have that condition. Creating this condition involved a mix of research into the real life form of anemia I had found, as well as the effects of starvation in humans.


This condition was created by Hannah Bridges on

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