info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Universe - 499

Description - How would you describe Universe - 499?

Home to Genesis, a world identical to Earth but demons and devils are real along with planetars ,solars etc. Also technology is incredibly adanced and superheroes are real/outlaws.

Genre - What genre best describes Universe - 499?

Supernatural, Cyber Punk

date_range History
History - What is Universe - 499’s history?

See Earth's history

gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Universe - 499?

Same as Earth Prime (real world Earth) with notable exceptions like wormholes and potentially time portals. Much more implicated focus on Theoretical Physics

Magic System - What is the magic system like in Universe - 499?

Supernatural, divine/demonic powers that Caius has both innately due to his background. Katie Whitehawk gains divine powers if players choose redemption for her. She gains demonic/fiendish abilities if she is the corruption path is chosen.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in Universe - 499?

Dystopian 2099 future tech

edit Notes
This universe contains...
6 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Caius Lucifer Relictus III - Member of The Lux Party - A prince of the Nine Hells - Healer
group Helena Alala Drakos - Member of The Lux Party - Assault
group Kraz Annora - Member of Lux Party - Tank
group Capt. Katie Whitehawk - Ally to The Lux Party - Anti-Hero - Briefly villainous (possessed by arch-devil)
group Xzritz - Member of The Lux Party - Support
group Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne - Leader of The Lux party - Assault

1 group reorder
wc Groups close
wc The Lux Party Secret task force assembled to close the Seal of the Nine Hells

1 planet reorder
public Planets close
public Genesis Where the plot of Herofall 2099 mainly takes place

1 race reorder
face Races close
face Human One race of inhabitants of Genesis as well as other allied planets and systems. - First inhabitants on Genesis

This universe was created by Ryan McHugh on

See more from Ryan McHugh
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