info Overview
Name - What is Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne’s full name?

Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne

Role - What is Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne’s role in your story?

  • Leader of The Lux party

  • Assault

Other names - What other aliases does Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne go by?

Shadow Wolf

Gender - What is Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne’s gender?


Age - How old is Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne weigh?

100 lbs.

Height - How tall is Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne?


Hair Color - What color is Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne style their hair?

Short and Messy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne have?


Eye Color - What is Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne’s eye color?

Neon Blue

Race - What is Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne’s race?


Linked Races

Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne have?

  • Tattoos all over his body

  • Shirtless

  • Wears black cloak

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne have?

Nervous Twitch

Motivations - What motivates Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne most?


Flaws - What flaws does Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne have?

  • Short tempered

  • Impatient

  • Timid

Prejudices - What prejudices does Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne have?

Hates demons, devils, and pit fiends

Talents - What talents does Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne have?

Can manifest tattoos into weapons and powers

Hobbies - What hobbies does Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne have?

Killing Hellish creations

Personality type - What personality type is Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne?

  • Kind

  • Compassionate

  • Trusting

  • Witty



groups Social
Religion - What religion does Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne practice?


Politics - What politics does Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne have?

  • Pro-Police

  • Anti-Demon

Occupation - What is Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne’s occupation?

Demon slayer

Favorite color - What is Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne’s favorite color?

Forrest green

Favorite food - What is Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne’s favorite food?

New York-style Italian Ice

Favorite possession - What is Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne’s favorite possession?

Locket his parents gave him

Favorite weapon - What is Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne’s favorite animal?


Languages spoken

Job - What job does Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne have?

Demon Slayer

date_range History
Birthday - When is Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne’s birthday?

April 14, 2080

Education - What is Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne’s level of education?

Masters in Criminology, Spiritualism and Law

Background - What is Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne’s background?

He was born on April 14, 2080 to Nathaniel Jonathan Hawthorne, a prominent police detective and Jennifer Alexandria Blackburn, a political activist for The United Genesian Libration Front (UGLF). His parents were heroes he aspired to live up to growing up because they were fighting for the ideals that made the U.S. great, once a long time ago. However, this caused his parents to become large targets to varies criminal organizations. On December 24, 2084 when he was 4 years old a tear in the Prime Material opened etc.(see Katie's backstory). This caused their universe to negatively interact with Hell which created the Dark Force and gave a select few powers. This when he met Katie Whitehawk and they became the best of friends as Damien began to develop a crush on her. The two of them began to study under his father when they were 10 and 16 respectively as they learned of brilliant tactics and laws. He also independently began his studies of various religious practices to gain spiritual wisdom. On November 12, 2096 a massive rift opened in the middle of Times Square, now known as The Singularity opened as it releases endless hordes of demons. devils and pit fiends. Damien's parents went off to join the war against the Hell spawn. Nathaniel was on the front line as a soldier and Jennifer led evacuation to other planets. They entrusted Katie to look after Damien and promised to return to them once the conflict had ended. Unfortunately, they had gotten news separated by a few weeks that Nathaniel had heroically given his life fending off wave after wave of Hell Spawn until his last breath. Jennifer had been reported missing and was last seen helping citizens onto evacuation ships on course to seek refuge.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Damien Nathaniel Hawthorne have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
folder_open Powers

  • Access to Dark Force:

    • Use tattoos to manifest powers/weapons

    • Summon wolf avatar named Sirius which he speaks through

    • Other unknown abilities

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This character was created by Ryan McHugh on

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