info Overview
Name - What is Caius Lucifer Relictus III ’s full name?

Caius Lucifer Relictus III

Role - What is Caius Lucifer Relictus III ’s role in your story?

  • Member of The Lux Party

  • A prince of the Nine Hells

  • Healer

Other names - What other aliases does Caius Lucifer Relictus III go by?

Caius Medicus (Person of the Earth, Healer)

Gender - What is Caius Lucifer Relictus III ’s gender?


Age - How old is Caius Lucifer Relictus III ?

121 years old

face Looks
Weight - How much does Caius Lucifer Relictus III weigh?

200 lbs.

Height - How tall is Caius Lucifer Relictus III ?


Hair Color - What color is Caius Lucifer Relictus III ’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Caius Lucifer Relictus III style their hair?

Long hair, wavy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Caius Lucifer Relictus III have?


Eye Color - What is Caius Lucifer Relictus III ’s eye color?

Glowing Marigold

Race - What is Caius Lucifer Relictus III ’s race?


Skin Tone

Dark Coral

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Caius Lucifer Relictus III have?

  • Black Horns

  • Thin, pointed tail

  • Glowing gold eyes

  • Dark coral skin

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Caius Lucifer Relictus III have?

Speaks with an approximation of a Lyonnais French accent when speaking English

Motivations - What motivates Caius Lucifer Relictus III most?

  • Defeat/possibly Redeem his father, Azagroth "The Wretch" Relictus

  • Stop the Singularity from destroying the Prime Material

  • Help Damien in his ambitions as long as they aren’t too destructive

Flaws - What flaws does Caius Lucifer Relictus III have?

  • Insecure

  • Devilishly charming

  • Talks too much

  • Self-loathing

Prejudices - What prejudices does Caius Lucifer Relictus III have?

  • Hell spawn

  • False prophets

Talents - What talents does Caius Lucifer Relictus III have?

  • Quick wit

  • Infernal abilities

  • Restoration magic

  • Medical Expert

Hobbies - What hobbies does Caius Lucifer Relictus III have?

  • Demon tracking/hunting

  • Archery

  • Wild-shifting

  • Praying

Personality type - What personality type is Caius Lucifer Relictus III ?

  • Loyal

  • Kind hearted

  • Trusting

  • Compassionate


  • Damned

  • Blessed

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Caius Lucifer Relictus III practice?


Politics - What politics does Caius Lucifer Relictus III have?

  • Pro-justice

  • Anti-demon

Occupation - What is Caius Lucifer Relictus III ’s occupation?

Demon Hunter

Favorite color - What is Caius Lucifer Relictus III ’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Caius Lucifer Relictus III ’s favorite food?

  • Lyon tacos

  • marrons glacés

Favorite possession - What is Caius Lucifer Relictus III ’s favorite possession?

His mothers personal cross and rosary beads

Favorite weapon - What is Caius Lucifer Relictus III ’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Caius Lucifer Relictus III ’s favorite animal?


Languages spoken

Job - What job does Caius Lucifer Relictus III have?

  • Field medic

  • Demon Hunter

date_range History
Birthday - When is Caius Lucifer Relictus III ’s birthday?

October 1, 1978

Education - What is Caius Lucifer Relictus III ’s level of education?

  • Maîtres en médecine de l'Université de Lyon

  • English translation: Masters in medicine from University of Lyon via online enrollment.

Background - What is Caius Lucifer Relictus III ’s background?

He was born to Azagroth the Wretched and Agnés Caroline Bisset in Burgundy, France. She had gotten involved in demonic rituals as younger teen which is when she met Azagroth who was disguised as a young Lyonnais boy named Jean Marius Couture who she frequently went out with in the mid 1960's. When she turned 21 on 1969, she got engaged to Azagroth (still Jean Couture at this point when he secretly marked their unborn child to be his royal heir at 21 years of age. He did this because he had been lord of Malborge, the 8th circle of Hell for a millennia and wished to retire so he could perish in fiery damnation.) They got married on July 12, 1969 in Chateau D'Aleny, Burgundy. They then had Caius on November 1, 1978 and lived (almost) happily from then onwards.They moved to Bordeaux and enrolled Caius in school when he was of age. He had a seemingly normal childhood. That was until at midnight on October 31, 1999 where Azagroth revealed his true form and began to enact his plan for Caius to inherit his throne. This changed Caius's physical appearance as he grew black horns, a pointy devilish tail, his skin reddened and his eyes turned to a marigold color and began to glow. However, Agnés had noticed that he had been acting differently those last four years, like something he was waiting for was soon to happen and it would not have been good. She now knew what that was and she had researched good monasteries to take Caius to when he turned 18 but she didn't follow through. She had also accrued a large collection of holy reliquaries, crosses, bibles, holy water and rosary beads. She fought against Azagroth and was eventually able to successfully flee Bordeaux to Monastère du Caramel near Lyon. There she was able to successfully educate, nurture and keep Caius safe until her passing in 2077. Due to his father's infernal claim on him when he turned 21, he had attained immortality which is why he still looks 21, 100 years after his 21st birthday. He saw the rise and fall of Genesis as a planet first hand. The monastery he lived in was able to be kept intact but he was the last member of the order of Saint Michel to be alive. He currently lives their as he tries to appreciate what beauty there is left in life and is now ready to face his father and banish from existence. He just needs someone to unbind him from this holy place so he can travel freely.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Caius Lucifer Relictus III have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
folder_open Powers

-Infernal abilities
- Restoration magic
- Abjuration magic

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This character was created by Ryan McHugh on

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