info Overview
Name - What is Xzritz ’s full name?


Role - What is Xzritz ’s role in your story?

  • Member of The Lux Party

  • Support

Other names - What other aliases does Xzritz go by?


Gender - What is Xzritz ’s gender?

Agender (male presenting)

Age - How old is Xzritz ?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Xzritz weigh?

240 lbs.

Height - How tall is Xzritz ?


Hair Color - What color is Xzritz ’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Xzritz style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Xzritz have?


Eye Color - What is Xzritz ’s eye color?

Both glowing: Red, cybernetic (Left) Gold (Right)

Race - What is Xzritz ’s race?


Skin Tone

Tan scales

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Xzritz have?

  • Glowing different colored eyes

  • Bionic: right claw - lower bicep

  • Blackened skin around eyes and temples

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Xzritz have?

Left eye is constantly whirring and looking to and fro.

Motivations - What motivates Xzritz most?

  • Restore balance and peace in the world (later universe)

  • Support Damien in all his escapades

  • Repay life debt to Damien

Flaws - What flaws does Xzritz have?

  • Mistrustful to strangers

  • Prideful

  • Greedy

Prejudices - What prejudices does Xzritz have?


Talents - What talents does Xzritz have?

  • Hyper intelligence due to cybernetic enhancements

  • Natural super strength due to racial genetics

Hobbies - What hobbies does Xzritz have?

  • Scrapper

  • Demon tracker/hunter

Personality type - What personality type is Xzritz ?

  • Course

  • Deadpan humor

  • Opinionated


Cyberneticaly Modified

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Xzritz practice?

Zornathian religion (unpronounceable to Humans)

Politics - What politics does Xzritz have?

  • Anti-demon

  • Anti-police

Occupation - What is Xzritz ’s occupation?

Demon tracker/hunter

Favorite color - What is Xzritz ’s favorite color?

Opal blue

Favorite food - What is Xzritz ’s favorite food?

  • Zohm (rock-rodents)

  • Cheeseburgers

  • Oaurli (traditional Zornathian plant-based dish)

Favorite possession - What is Xzritz ’s favorite possession?

Has none

Favorite weapon - What is Xzritz ’s favorite weapon?

  • Scrapper arm

  • Laser breath

Favorite animal - What is Xzritz ’s favorite animal?


Languages spoken

Job - What job does Xzritz have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Xzritz ’s birthday?

The 5025 day of Darkfest in year 5271
Human version: October 25, 2071

Education - What is Xzritz ’s level of education?

Genesian education center diploma (High School Diploma)

Background - What is Xzritz ’s background?

Born to Arczo and Vultet of the Zornathian race on the 5025 day of Darkfest in year 5271 (October 25, 2071). They have last names but there harsh reptilian language doesn’t translate to English well.

His father, Arzco, was a science officer and a member of the Peace Council. This was a comittee of bureaucratic scientists who were obsessed with scientific discovery almost to the point of extinction. It took the intervention of the Vultet and her all female warriors, the Scharcheth (the Scarketh as it were pronounced in English) to threaten the council with a coup if the did not stop. It was at this point where Arczo and Vultet fell in love and much later had Xzritz. He grew up well-read along with being well trained in combat due to his mother’s previously mentioned status.

 Much later in his life when he was 20, his family emigrated from their planet of Zornath to Earth due to its prosperity. Tragically, there was a malfunction with their transport shuttle upon entry to Earth due to its shoddy blueprints. This incident left most of the Zornathians dead with only a handful escaping with their lives. Xzritz was left with an eye and  in need of critical cybernetic replacements. The hardships were not over as where they landed in Detroit, Chicago hosted a very alien-hating population. This lead to an extermination squad being sent to kill the remaining aliens. 

This massacre of his kin left him being the sole Zornathian in a strange new world and without a proper home. He found comfort in a scrapyard just outside the city limits of Detroit where he found solace in other isolated species and homeless inhabitants of Earth. He fell into the de facto role of protector of this group of outsiders as he lives a life of simplicity and peace. He managed to fit himself with a red cybernetic eye (left) and claw that replaced his hand along with lower forearm (right arm).

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Xzritz have?

Xor, his Z'lonn cub, which are lava panthers.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

PC: Chris Neff

folder_open Powers

  • Hyper intelligence due to cybernetic enhancements

  • Natural super strength due to racial genetics

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This character was created by Ryan McHugh on

See more from Ryan McHugh
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