info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

A Rising Empire

Genre - What genre best describes A Rising Empire?

High fantasy

Description - How would you describe A Rising Empire?

This universe is staged around Alvor
A high fantasy with tonnes of ambient magic

book History
gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in A Rising Empire?

Earth Like

Magic System - What is the magic system like in A Rising Empire?

The magic system is robust and lively. The main kingdom has a rich magic presence and the skitori dominion employes a different form of magic all together(elemental)

edit Notes
history Changelog
This universe contains...
2 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Rakesh Hep'kah Rakesh was responsible for the binding and locking away of Tal'Khum, the Vile
group Skomac Runehand, of clan bloodhammer King Under the Mountains

10 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain The world, Alvor Alvor is a large earth like world with several large landmasses
terrain The Bekelian Desert Large barren and devoid of all but the hardiest of life. The war that destroyed this country centuries ago left it in a ravaged state it has never recovered from.
terrain Sanctuary of water Located at the western side of the desert against a cliff side. A "small" swamp covers the region, heavily pocketed with oasis'. The lush tranquil spot has long since been left alone, only wary ...
terrain Triumvirate Empire The triumvirate is located south of the Bekelian Desert. Flourishing at the abundance of magic, and the peace that has hesitantly been maintained since the Great Bekel War. Magic is prominent i...
terrain Skitori Dominion The skitori have developed into 4 unique casts, each cast is capable of manipulating a different basic element. The country is unified and rejoices under there differences, each one assisting a...
terrain The Gaal Dynasty The gaal dynasty stretches the expanse of the frozen north.
terrain Dwarvish Empire The dwarven empire spans Alvor, with dwarves living in every mountain range.
terrain Sanctuary of Air Located hidden inside a mountain, it appears to be build on a small island of rock located in the middle of a ravine inside the mountain.
terrain The Sanctuary of Fire Located at the southern most point of the dessert, The entrance is a samll crack in a wall bordering, and protected by, the edge of a geyser field.
terrain Sanctuary of earth

This universe was created by zackattack on

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