info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

Claw's Story Portal

Genre - What genre best describes Claw's Story Portal?

Fiction (It's part of the story portal so includes all genres of fiction and non fiction)

Description - How would you describe Claw's Story Portal?

Veniancari are Guardians and they do everything to prevent their universe's destruction.

book History
gavel Rules
Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in Claw's Story Portal?

Normal rules of physics unless counteracted by magic or the rules of that planet/story

edit Notes
history Changelog
  • group_add Contributors
  • person Haydin

    Invited almost 7 years ago

  • person RetroDateNight

    Invited over 6 years ago

This universe contains...
24 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Lotus
group Vio (Violet) A contestant. If for some reason Nora should be unfit for her duties Vio will be the next Emerald Warrior.
group Sarash
group Shar
group Violet
group Arash
group .
group _________ Blood-Sect Kayatos To serve the noble, honorable, and righteous Gramt Pootamri
group Claw Ta Ach Pootamri Main character
group Xira
group Danash Darkstar Claw's blood-sworn brother that believes everything else should be subservient to the Aknar Ro.
group White Rose
group Manus
group Error Main Character
group Nora The heir to Claw's title The Emerald Warrior
group Anna
group Corey Main Character
group Dark
group The Killer A revealer into the story
group Stitches The Adjunti Reaper
group Jake
group Captain
group Lady Fate Queen of the Veniancari, Kind of an emotion block for Claw
group Xeon Main Character

6 items reorder
emoji_events Items close
emoji_events Gapalawa Two blades that are of a dark grey tinted Ulti-Matum, Center of the blade is made of Dark Energy Solid.
emoji_events Shish Fae Two large black blades that look like extended angel wings
emoji_events Rashit and Calper Two large Katanas scaled to fit Claw's 7' 10" size but can re scale depending on the holder
emoji_events Crageon Os Double sided double ended war axe
emoji_events Scrathfer Double sided? Ended? Scythe
emoji_events Whas Hitar Two hand scythes connected to “ribbons” tied to his arm.

This universe was created by Claw The Veniancari on with 2 contributors.

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