info Overview
Name - What is Error’s full name?


Age - How old is Error?

Depends on timeline

Gender - What is Error’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Error go by?

Silent Death (not officially known)
Second Power

Role - What is Error’s role in your story?

Main Character

face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Error have?

He's a fucking tall ass stick figure...

Weight - How much does Error weigh?

however much he wants within a limit

Height - How tall is Error?

7' 8"-14' 6"

Hair Color - What color is Error’s hair?

Black or whatever else he wants

Hair Style - How does Error style their hair?

He can shape shift so any style he wants

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Error have?

He can shape shift so any he wants

Eye Color - What is Error’s eye color?


Race - What is Error’s race?


Skin Tone

Any color but if not concentrating jet black

Body Type

He has no blood

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Error have?

He has deep pain in him about his home world plus he saw the eternal darkness of madness which entered him and tries to take control of him constantly only prevented by a magical seal Claw placed on him.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Error have?

Xeon, Xeon destroyed his world/dimension/universe/story

Talents - What talents does Error have?

He's a shape shifting, camelion, immortal, unable to feel pain stick figure...

Hobbies - What hobbies does Error have?


Personality type - What personality type is Error?

//Error data not found. Corrupt file: jnsjndjs44dn43as1kjd.SP is absent

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Error have?

Quite... like super quite... Seems cold but it's mostly just him being quite and how little he talks. He's very mature and very serious.

Motivations - What motivates Error most?

Serving the Queen or Claw however he can

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Error’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Error’s favorite food?

He doesn't need to eat

Favorite possession - What is Error’s favorite possession?

A whittling knife Dark made him

Favorite weapon - What is Error’s favorite weapon?

Whas Hitar (Wind Shearers)

Favorite animal - What is Error’s favorite animal?


Religion - What religion does Error practice?

//Error data not found. Corrupt file: JBuhY87gd87Bbdj&6d7tbeug.SP is missing

Politics - What politics does Error have?

He's the second power of the Veniancari and believes in both the Queen and Claw

Occupation - What is Error’s occupation?


info History
Background - What is Error’s background?

//Error data not found. Corrupt file 889Hdjbd8cbshDgbds89yghdbsy347ih4gr.SP is unrecognized.

Birthday - When is Error’s birthday?

//Error data corrupt. Corrupt file: Psi768998gs98D8sadDWD.SP is unknown.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Has no commonly known weaknesses. A stick figure that had his world destroyed and because of that all info on him has been removed.
//Error data not found. Corrupt file unknown. 93988938967898dn03289yd8989y6.SP is unrecognized

toys Ulti-Matum
Raphat Comat:





Two hand scythes connected to “ribbons” tied to his arm.

power_settings_new Jahetsah

To become a Bilat with the power of Ra

Natural Jahetsah

Muffle- He makes no noise not even when fighting… only the enemy weapon clangs. He only makes noise when speaking


Shadow shift- Transports from shadow to shadow
One shot kill- Can do this with or without Hawagen

security Aknar ro categorization

Two hand-scythes crossed over each other with ribbons over a white rose, on shoulder. white, with pearly effect, rose on his back.


Detorah or Bilat (Conditionally)

Character chevron_right Fathers link linked Error

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Error

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Error

Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked Error

Item chevron_right Makers link linked Error

This character was created by Claw The Veniancari on

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