info Overview
Name - What is Claw Ta Ach Pootamri’s full name?

Claw Ta Ach Pootamri

Age - How old is Claw Ta Ach Pootamri?

CDT... 15 at the minimum

Gender - What is Claw Ta Ach Pootamri’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Claw Ta Ach Pootamri go by?

Lotashri (Life)
Forgotten Warrior
The Emerald Warrior
Green Horror

Role - What is Claw Ta Ach Pootamri’s role in your story?

Main character

face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Claw Ta Ach Pootamri have?

His mouth, the emerald warrior tattoo, his wings.

Demon head with fiery demon eyes this is his seal and it's on a bracelet on his and right arm and on the back of his Royal coat.

Weight - How much does Claw Ta Ach Pootamri weigh?

However much he wants within certain limiations

Height - How tall is Claw Ta Ach Pootamri?

7' 10"

Hair Color - What color is Claw Ta Ach Pootamri’s hair?

Black with emerald tips

Hair Style - How does Claw Ta Ach Pootamri style their hair?

It changes based on what he want so pretty much everything

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Claw Ta Ach Pootamri have?


Eye Color - What is Claw Ta Ach Pootamri’s eye color?

None, or if in illusion state vivid green

Race - What is Claw Ta Ach Pootamri’s race?

Gramt Pootamri

Skin Tone


Body Type

Muscular and inhuman

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Claw Ta Ach Pootamri have?

If he get's upset he's to powerful to stop so he has to try to keep his emotions bottled up. No one has been through what he as and never will come close so he has no one to talk to.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Claw Ta Ach Pootamri have?


Talents - What talents does Claw Ta Ach Pootamri have?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Claw Ta Ach Pootamri have?

Pretty much anything he finds comfort in doing

Personality type - What personality type is Claw Ta Ach Pootamri?

Kind but harsh when necessary. Very much a fatherly figure for so many people. He is unable to feel any type of love.


green poison

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Claw Ta Ach Pootamri have?

Doesn't speak much but says a lot. When he does speak it makes a big impact

Motivations - What motivates Claw Ta Ach Pootamri most?

Life, seeing what people do with their lives and how they're willing to act. His duty to stop people who threaten the balance.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Claw Ta Ach Pootamri’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Claw Ta Ach Pootamri’s favorite food?

He doesn't need to eat.

Favorite possession - What is Claw Ta Ach Pootamri’s favorite possession?

His armor bracelet

Favorite weapon - What is Claw Ta Ach Pootamri’s favorite weapon?

Rashit and Calper (Light and darkness)

Favorite animal - What is Claw Ta Ach Pootamri’s favorite animal?


Religion - What religion does Claw Ta Ach Pootamri practice?


Politics - What politics does Claw Ta Ach Pootamri have?

He can determine what any of the Aknar Ro do

Occupation - What is Claw Ta Ach Pootamri’s occupation?

The emerald warrior

info History
Education - What is Claw Ta Ach Pootamri’s level of education?

He's Omniscience... pretty much

Background - What is Claw Ta Ach Pootamri’s background?


Birthday - When is Claw Ta Ach Pootamri’s birthday?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Blood sworn brother of Shar and Danash. Knows that he’s in a story and frequently talks to the readers in his mind.
Age limit for now: 109, 837, 097, 784, 324, 907, 873, 249, 078, 349, 347, 868, 734, 298, 563, 746, 324, 987, 674. (I'll Probably increase this) 'You know you will' (shut up Claw)

toys Ulti-Matum
Raphat Comat:



Light and Dark


Two katannas which can transform into any form of large weapon (Includes metal longbow, two double sided broadswords and any form of custom large weapon)

power_settings_new Jahetsah
Bloodline Jahetsah

Emerald Spear- ?????


Wolf/Werewolf army that attacks anyone with a emerald heart on them, a “blown kiss” from Claw, will go through anyone without heart without harming them. If emerald heart is filled in it’s a death heart if just an outline then it’s hurt heart.

Aknar Ro Jahetsah

Mind over Matter- Basically able to "wish" for stuff and have it happen (Teleportation/object spawning mostly)

Natural Jahetsah

Inspire- With fear/awe/both. Can concentrate and make it worse.


Dark Field- Teleports all combatants that he wishes to a dark field which is malleable to anything. No one can leave besides him or without his will.
Flare- A destruction area affect that sends giant balls of flaming dark energy to destroy anything in the area
Destruction Zone- Destroys up to a planet with a giant purple crystal thing.
Perfect Step- Basically mean he can dodge anything perfectly without being hit if he chooses

security Aknar ro categorization

Gramt Pootamri+ Absolute Natural

Power Level


Gift Bonus


Ra Level

Grand Master

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Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Claw Ta Ach Pootamri

Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked Claw Ta Ach Pootamri

Item chevron_right Makers link linked Claw Ta Ach Pootamri

This character was created by Claw The Veniancari on

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