info Overview
Name - What is Anna’s full name?


Age - How old is Anna?

CDT (Changes depending on timeline)

Gender - What is Anna’s gender?


face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Anna have?

Always wears a hooded shawl like thing, giant custom sniper rifle.

Height - How tall is Anna?

5' 5"

Hair Color - What color is Anna’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Anna style their hair?

Not at all

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Anna have?


Eye Color - What is Anna’s eye color?

Light blue

Race - What is Anna’s race?

Elat Wiklat

Skin Tone


fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Favorite food - What is Anna’s favorite food?


info History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Name is actually spelled Ahn-Na. It's in Veniancari and Ahn- Sharp +Na- Shot or Sharp-shot.

toys Ulti-Matum
power_settings_new Jahetsah
security Aknar ro categorization
Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Anna

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Anna

This character was created by Claw The Veniancari on

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