info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

The Lovecraftian Dreamlands

Genre - What genre best describes The Lovecraftian Dreamlands?


Description - How would you describe The Lovecraftian Dreamlands?

A universe at the center of a dying multiverse

book History
History - What is The Lovecraftian Dreamlands’s history?

When the first inhabitants of The Lovecraftian Waking World began to dream, this universe came into existence to contain their wildest fantasies and terrors. Eventually, deities to watch over this plane of existence were birthed in anticipation or as a result of new religions forming. Containing many different races, souls, and planets, not all of which live in harmony with each other, this universe is one of the bigger ones in the multiverse.

Origin - How did The Lovecraftian Dreamlands originate?

Technically created by the first dreamers of the Lovecraftian Waking World, it has been expanded upon over time by dreamers and deities alike.

gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in The Lovecraftian Dreamlands?

Non-dreamer inhabitants have some magic
Dreamers or Passed Dreamers hold much of the magical power in this universe
Emissaries of deities hold more power than the regular dreamer and have more reality bending capabilities

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in The Lovecraftian Dreamlands?


Technology - What is the level of technology like in The Lovecraftian Dreamlands?

Depends on the planet

edit Notes

The core of the problem

Inspiration - What were your major sources of inspiration for The Lovecraftian Dreamlands?

"Dreamquest of Unknown Kadath"

history Changelog
This universe contains...
105 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Lochlan Craig
group Nanthild Molwynog
group Bellatrix Ireno Villain
group Khullak
group Sabaaha
group Erich Zann
group Atal
group Alos
group Ichabod Belvedere Rich Guy who follows [[Character-1116200]]
group Frankie Serpico
group Fox Pearson
group Forrest Vixers
group Felix Hordienko
group Farshid Hakimi
group Eva Pearson
group Bokrug
group Emily Fascint
group Ember Wilson
group Ellis Adams
group Elke Becker
group Elizabeth Phaleba
group Adel Haddad Latif's Dad
group Eliora Bruheh
group Elio Rossi
group Edine Fascint
group Itsuki Aoki
group Oberon Reaper
group Dana al-Horra
group Atlach-Nacha
group Cyrus Hakimi
group Chloe Beilschmidt
group Claudia Hordienko
group Celeste Syson
group Callan Bunte Antagonist
group Brayden Bonnefoy
group Akkadevi N.
group Junlgire Norman Leader of the Shadow Strike Corps
group Gerald Becker
group Galen Ariti
group Nath-Horthath Human God of Youth
group Dhwanit Patek
group Bern
group Kylie Wunder
group Vinodini Yuvaraj
group Queen Cyclestes
group Isaac Horn Minor Antagonist
group Ione Mellas Antagonist (Book One) Ally (Eventually)
group Petranos Silmarin Main Antagonist
group Emily Cunningham Antagonist
group Flame Cat Warrior
group Brooke Cat
group Sehronna
group Vuszu
group Ajamu Wilson Helpful Arsonist (Teenage Pyromancer)
group Akuji al-Horra
group Jaazaachash
group Xeiszahxus
group Swar
group Ragraod Ghoul Warrior
group Zangut
group Reina Amarante Outer Demigod
group Brandon Bixby
group Nodens
group Rima
group Noaquon Patriarch of the Cerenarian Merwyrm clan
group Aonani Noelani Ninja, kind of
group Anthony Syson Child
group Anna Reaper Ally and Protector
group Allie Jo Mickel Lone Vagabond
group Adrian Captor Outer Demigod (Sided with Antagonists)
group Sreyvoni King of the Gnorri
group Koratas
group Nitocris
group Iamael
group Severus
group Terrence
group Venice
group Mist Deity
group Uzumati Jameson Outer Demigod
group Aife Moorehein Mentor; General
group Nagammai Emissary of Noth-yidik
group Kthanid Great Old One
group Tirion Head Human Emissary of Aiueb Gnshal
group Zale Head (read: only) human emissary of Korath
group Khurdadhbih Absaar Head human emissary of Daoloth
group Richard Upton Pickman
group Haru Aoki
group Zoe Midavaine
group Shub
group K’thun
group Noth-Yidik
group Yhoundeh
group Silas Boucher Outer Demigod
group Dygra
group Daoloth Outer God
group Xquenda Human emissary of Noth-yidik
group Iliana Panide Head Human Emissary of the Mist
group Marjani Kiprono Head Human Emissary of Zanoch'tl
group Mara
group Momo
group Teagan
group Latif Yousef
group Harley Warren Head Human Emissary of Yhoundeh
group Korath
group Zanoch'tl Antagonist

17 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Moogue Depths
terrain The Glassy Sea
terrain Holyder Lake
terrain The Night Ocean
terrain The Giant's Quarry It's a bigass Quarry! What more do you want from me?
terrain Orotonas Woods
terrain The Forest of Rounau
terrain Twilight Sea
terrain Selarn Trading town in the West of [[Location-214143]] . It is surrounded by farmland.
terrain Vornai Largest of the northern mining villages of [[Location-214143]] .
terrain Urg Small village in the northeast of [[Location-214143]] .
terrain Kadathian Range The Tallest mountain range of the Earthen Dreamlands which also hides and protects Kadath
terrain Yian-Ho Cold and magical
terrain The Plateau of Leng A place where different realities converge.
terrain The Dreamlands
terrain Zeran-Thok No one lives there now. The only part that seems to harbor more secrets than the rest is the sealed stone door in the center of the city.
terrain Thibet A plateau formed by a receding glacier of Leng

3 conditions reorder
bubble_chart Conditions close
bubble_chart Flesh Overgrowth Flesh grows and regenerates unusually fast as to become problematic
bubble_chart Spiritual Parasitism A soul leeches off another soul
bubble_chart Phytozombie Disease Plants take over a living or deceased host

2 continents reorder
explore Continents close
explore Arcsachul Southern Continent containing the South Pole of [[Planet-9422]] somewhere within [[Country-23550]]
explore Vemnithoi

47 creatures reorder
1 group reorder
wc Groups close
wc Shadow Strike Corps Vigilante justice organization that employs spies, thieves, and assassins

This universe was created by Brianna on

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