info Overview
Name - What is the name of Plant Growth?

Plant Growth

Description - How would you describe Plant Growth?

Making plants grow abnormally fast

Type of magic - What type of magic is Plant Growth?


flash_on Appearance
Visuals - What do the visual effects of Plant Growth look like?

Plants growing abnormally fast

Effects - What effects does Plant Growth have?

Makes plants grow abnormally fast

Aftereffects - What visual effects persist after Plant Growth?

Plant growth

flare Effects
Positive effects - What positive effects does Plant Growth have?

Depends on what it's being used for and who's using it

Neutral effects - What neutral effects does Plant Growth have?

Makes plants grow fast

Negative effects - What negative effects does Plant Growth have?

Depends on what it's being used for and who's using it

Conditions - What conditions can Plant Growth afflict?
polymer Alignment
Morality - How good or bad is Plant Growth?

Depends on how it's being used

Respectability - How respected are users of Plant Growth?

All but those who create phytozombies are highly respected as they can use the magic to grow herbs or bring back crops

Element - What element is Plant Growth most closely aligned to?

Physical Life

lock Requirements
edit Notes

Taken too far can make plants start growing uncontrollably fast resulting in, most notably, nutrient drainage from soil, parasitizing/overtaking surrounding plants, and unintentional phytozombies

Condition chevron_right Environmental factors link mentioned Plant Growth

Condition chevron_right Transmission link mentioned Plant Growth

Condition chevron_right Epidemiology link mentioned Plant Growth

Character chevron_right Magical abilities link linked Plant Growth

This magic was created by Brianna on

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