info Overview
Name - What is Artem Stavrou’s full name?

Artem Stavrou

Age - How old is Artem Stavrou?

66 yrs

Gender - What is Artem Stavrou’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Artem Stavrou go by?

Dr. Stavrou

Role - What is Artem Stavrou’s role in your story?

Scientist who is involved in the unsealing of Bree Zenith Meyer 's powers





Zodiac Sign


Name Meaning

"Unharmed, perfect health"

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Artem Stavrou have?

Long mustache and beard

Hair Style - How does Artem Stavrou style their hair?


Hair Color - What color is Artem Stavrou’s hair?

Graying brown

Height - How tall is Artem Stavrou?


Weight - How much does Artem Stavrou weigh?

150 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Artem Stavrou have?

Birth mark under left eye

Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Artem Stavrou’s race?


Eye Color - What is Artem Stavrou’s eye color?

Electric blue

Clothing Style



Sleeves of flowers

Voice Part


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Artem Stavrou have?

Hates Russia


Tourettes (Involuntary arm movements mostly, sometimes vocal)

Motivations - What motivates Artem Stavrou most?

The desire to see humanity progress technologically and scientifically

Flaws - What flaws does Artem Stavrou have?

Blunt, callous, finicky, gruff, humourless, solemn, stubborn

Talents - What talents does Artem Stavrou have?

Intellect, wisdom, improvising

Hobbies - What hobbies does Artem Stavrou have?

Puzzle games (making and completing), Krav Maga

Personality type - What personality type is Artem Stavrou?

Pessimistic perfectionist, practical, intelligent, rigorous in practice, skeptic

Magical abilities


Having to fight in another war, humanity destroying itself


Giving up the chance to double major in university

Pet Peeves

People staring at him

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Artem Stavrou’s favorite food?

Focaccia bread

Languages spoken

Favorite animal - What is Artem Stavrou’s favorite animal?

Barn Owl

Favorite weapon - What is Artem Stavrou’s favorite weapon?

Steel toed boots

Favorite possession - What is Artem Stavrou’s favorite possession?

Owl feather pen (was a gift from his mother)

Favorite color - What is Artem Stavrou’s favorite color?

Earthy Brown

Occupation - What is Artem Stavrou’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Artem Stavrou have?


Religion - What religion does Artem Stavrou practice?


Job - What job does Artem Stavrou have?

Researcher (Xenobiology)

Favorite Pokemon




Languages Spoken

Ukrainian, Russian, English, Spanish

Favorite music


Favorite Drink


Favorite Mythical Creature


Pokemon Type Specialty


info History
Birthday - When is Artem Stavrou’s birthday?

June 9th

Background - What is Artem Stavrou’s background?

  • Born in Ukraine near the end of Soviet control

  • Got a PhD in Biology and was recognized as a genius in the field

  • Was forced to work in a top secret Soviet lab

  • Worked with a spawn of Shub and spliced its DNA into a goat fetus

  • Got very attached to the baby goat, which was seen as Satanic by others once it started learning and speaking

  • They tried it with a human fetus, but Shub became aware of the situation and destroyed the facility, but allowed the goat to protect Artem

  • The Foundation steps in at the end and takes Artem and the goat in for questioning

  • The Foundation recruited him and allowed him to work with certain SCPs and projects afterwards

  • Became a senior researcher and was asked to transfer to Lovecraftian Dreamlands Perinthian Site 12 as part of an expansion into The Lovecraftian Dreamlands which he agreed to

  • There he was tasked with studying the biological processes present in that world that were unfamiliar to the Foundation

Education - What is Artem Stavrou’s level of education?

PhD in Biology/Xenobiology

Current Residence

Dream-Site 12

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory


history Changelog
edit Notes
brush Furry AU
ac_unit Dragon AU
Clan (Elements)

Extraterrestrial (Creature + Space)

Character chevron_right Background link mentioned Artem Stavrou

Character chevron_right Role link mentioned Artem Stavrou

Character chevron_right Motivations link mentioned Artem Stavrou

Character chevron_right Fathers link linked Artem Stavrou

This character was created by Brianna on

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