info Overview
Name - What is The Children of Savian's name?

The Children of Savian

Other names - What other names is The Children of Savian known by?

Light Being Worship

Description - How is The Children of Savian usually described?

Positive and Loving

import_contacts History
Origin story - How did The Children of Savian first come into existence?

It started when the first chosen hero of Savian was found.

forum Beliefs
Obligations - What kinds of obligations are required of those who practice The Children of Savian?

Spread the good word

Teachings - What values does The Children of Savian teach?

Love, Kindness, and Hope

Prophecies - What prophecies does The Children of Savian teach?

One day the feud between Savian and Utar will end and Savian will be victorious.

Places of worship - Where does The Children of Savian worship happen?

The Temples of Light | At one's home

Worship services - What kind of worship services are common with The Children of Savian?

Vision of paradise - What does the The Children of Savian vision of paradise look like?

A peaceful world

account_balance Traditions
Initiation process - What does the The Children of Savian initiation process entail?

Believe that the Beings are real and that Savian is the true ruler

Traditions - What traditions are common with The Children of Savian?

Holidays - What are the The Children of Savian holidays?


Rituals - What rituals are common with The Children of Savian?

history Changelog
edit Notes
Country chevron_right Religions link linked The Children of Savian

Deity chevron_right Religions link linked The Children of Savian

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