info Overview
Name - What is the name of Purists?


General Description

A radical group led by Shiro, a humanoid Spirit and former member of the Soul Guardians. He watched the destruction sewn by both his own team and the Hallowed Gladiator Organization and was dismayed at the flagrant abuse of magical power on both sides. And not just them -- Shiro sees magic misuse as a widespread problem, one rooted in arrogance. Vowing to put a stop to this once and for all, Shiro founded the Purists, with the goal of restoring the balance of power in the universe by annihilating those that wield magic in a way he deems harmful.

As many Purists fall under the sights of Shiro's swath of destruction, it is often necessary to vow one's life to him before joining the group in any serious capacity.

They are a relatively new group, still very much in the recruitment phase, and wish to avoid any big moves until they've found a greater foothold. Shiro puts much effort into spreading his message through propaganda. He focuses mainly on Terrata's non-human communities, as the HGO's attention is less focused there.

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