info Overview
Name - What is the name of City Watch?

City Watch

Description - How would you describe the City Watch group?

Keepers of law and order in Waterdeep.

Other names - What other names is City Watch known by?

The Guard (erroneously; the Guard is actually the city's army)

call_split Hierarchy
list Members
location_on Locations
business Purpose
Goals - What is the primary goal of City Watch?

To maintain order in Waterdeep, and keep the blood off the streets.

thumbs_up_down Politics
shopping_cart Inventory
date_range History
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Reputation link mentioned City Watch

Character chevron_right Role link mentioned City Watch

Lore chevron_right Groups link linked City Watch

Character chevron_right Notes link mentioned City Watch

Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked City Watch

Landmark chevron_right Notes link mentioned City Watch

Building chevron_right Affiliation link mentioned City Watch

Building chevron_right Security link mentioned City Watch

Group chevron_right Allies link linked City Watch

Scene chevron_right Present in scene link linked City Watch

Group chevron_right Enemies link linked City Watch

Group chevron_right Clients link linked City Watch

Town chevron_right Groups link linked City Watch

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