info Overview
Name - What is Cedric Jalen Fortier’s full name?

Cedric Jalen Fortier

Role - What is Cedric Jalen Fortier’s role in your story?

Central cast member

Other names - What other aliases does Cedric Jalen Fortier go by?


Gender - What is Cedric Jalen Fortier’s gender?

He/him, cis

Age - How old is Cedric Jalen Fortier?

Late twenties or early thirties (usually about a year younger than Diard).

face Looks
Weight - How much does Cedric Jalen Fortier weigh?

A figure consistent with his being a compact little fireplug of an endurance athlete.

Height - How tall is Cedric Jalen Fortier?

In his words: 5'7" in hiking boots.

Hair Color - What color is Cedric Jalen Fortier’s hair?

Dark auburn

Hair Style - How does Cedric Jalen Fortier style their hair?

High-and-tight fade.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Cedric Jalen Fortier have?

Scruff goatee. Also kind of has a unibrow.

Eye Color - What is Cedric Jalen Fortier’s eye color?

Deep russet brown

Race - What is Cedric Jalen Fortier’s race?

Human (mostly Ethiopian and ambiguously West African, with admixtures).

Skin Tone

Light golden brown; freckly

Body Type

Short, stocky, and trim. Think gymnastics base.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Cedric Jalen Fortier have?

He's a black ginger. Also, he's kind of got a unibrow. Also, unibrow or no, he's smoking fucking hot.

Design reference here.

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Cedric Jalen Fortier most?

He'd like to be able to say that his military career made a pacifist of him. Unfortunately, his life has had other ideas.

Flaws - What flaws does Cedric Jalen Fortier have?

Acts silly to cover up trauma.

Talents - What talents does Cedric Jalen Fortier have?

Licensed paramedic and a hell of a field medic.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Cedric Jalen Fortier have?

Cooking. Also: trolling.

Personality type - What personality type is Cedric Jalen Fortier?




groups Social
Religion - What religion does Cedric Jalen Fortier practice?

Agnostic, but raised in a syncretist household (mom is Ethiopian Jewish by ancestry and Reform by upbringing, dad is African Methodist Episcopal).

Politics - What politics does Cedric Jalen Fortier have?

Veterans and first responders are off limits unless they thoroughly disgrace the status.

Occupation - What is Cedric Jalen Fortier’s occupation?

Former Navy corpsman; current paramedic.

Favorite color - What is Cedric Jalen Fortier’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Cedric Jalen Fortier’s favorite food?

Anything ube.

Job - What job does Cedric Jalen Fortier have?

He's a paramedic. Before that, he was a "Marine Doctor." He prevents people from dying in the interim.

date_range History
Education - What is Cedric Jalen Fortier’s level of education?

He's a licensed paramedic.

Background - What is Cedric Jalen Fortier’s background?

This guy was a corpsman attached to one of Naomi Diard's past units.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

This guy is kind of a simultaneous foil and parallel to Diard. Yes, that includes being a bi disaster who spent his entire military career in the closet. No, they are not related; it is entirely acceptable to 'ship them if you're into that.

He's got a fairly specific "type" (read: tall musclechubs) when it comes to men. Yes, he has probably called Kieron Vanu a "cub" at some point.

Once bought Diard a box of fancy miniature chocolate bars, some of which were ruby cacao, contained natural tints and flavorings, or both. While it was a genuinely nice gesture, it was not as romantic as it sounds, and in fact contained an element of snark: You see, they were shaped like crayons.

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