info Overview
Name - What is Branwen Deirdre Kwan’s full name?

Branwen Deirdre Kwan

Role - What is Branwen Deirdre Kwan’s role in your story?

Central cast member

Other names - What other aliases does Branwen Deirdre Kwan go by?


Gender - What is Branwen Deirdre Kwan’s gender?

DFAB, not male, defaults to she/her; this does not necessarily mean "cis woman."

Age - How old is Branwen Deirdre Kwan?

Usually mid to late 20s.

face Looks
Weight - How much does Branwen Deirdre Kwan weigh?

90#. Girl is itty-bitty.

Height - How tall is Branwen Deirdre Kwan?


Hair Color - What color is Branwen Deirdre Kwan’s hair?

Bottle-blond with rusty black roots.

Hair Style - How does Branwen Deirdre Kwan style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Branwen Deirdre Kwan have?


Eye Color - What is Branwen Deirdre Kwan’s eye color?


Race - What is Branwen Deirdre Kwan’s race?

Human (Cantonese, Irish, Filipina, and Puerto Rican).

Skin Tone

Light golden beige.

Body Type

Tiny and wiry; slight pear figure. If this girl was cheerleading, she'd be a shoo-in for flyer.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Branwen Deirdre Kwan have?

Black-and-white nylon/bioplast barbells through eyebrow, bridge of nose, and lower lip; several more in each ear. Both arms are inked up from knuckle to shoulder; the designs are a brightly-hued "odd harmony of engine components, grasping tentacles, interlocking gears, and elaborate fireworks." Left middle and index fingers got badly broken by the dullahan, and are both visibly crooked as a result. Favors royal-purple lipstick.

Design reference here.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Branwen Deirdre Kwan have?

I can see her being fidgety, especially in response to music.

Motivations - What motivates Branwen Deirdre Kwan most?

"I can fix it!"

Flaws - What flaws does Branwen Deirdre Kwan have?

Overly curious. Impatient in certain regards. Quick-tempered. A workaholic.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Branwen Deirdre Kwan have?

If someone takes excessive pride in a vehicle that they didn't build and don't maintain, she's probably going to have less respect for them than she would otherwise.

Talents - What talents does Branwen Deirdre Kwan have?

Can fix or drive pretty much anything with a motor.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Branwen Deirdre Kwan have?

The big one is her project vehicles.

Personality type - What personality type is Branwen Deirdre Kwan?



Mild chronic pain from badly-healed broken hand. Exasperation at being dragged away from her projects. Some hyperfocus when she's actually getting to work on said projects. (I have been given the suggestion that she may have undiagnosed ADHD, which would actually make sense.)

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Branwen Deirdre Kwan practice?

Nominally syncretist.

Politics - What politics does Branwen Deirdre Kwan have?

Probably a raging anarcho-syndicalist, but probably quiet about it.

Occupation - What is Branwen Deirdre Kwan’s occupation?

Mechanic and sometime charter pilot.

Favorite color - What is Branwen Deirdre Kwan’s favorite color?

Royal purple.

Favorite food - What is Branwen Deirdre Kwan’s favorite food?

Coconut shrimp.

Favorite possession - What is Branwen Deirdre Kwan’s favorite possession?

Rocinante is probably up there.

Favorite weapon - What is Branwen Deirdre Kwan’s favorite weapon?

A shotgun. Or a truck bumper.

Job - What job does Branwen Deirdre Kwan have?

Repairing and customizing vehicles; occasionally piloting for hire.

date_range History
Education - What is Branwen Deirdre Kwan’s level of education?

Pre-law dropout.

Background - What is Branwen Deirdre Kwan’s background?

Walked away from a sheltered if strained home life (they expected her to be an attorney, and just kind of tuned out any suggestion that she didn't want to be), and took up work at a garage. Used the opportunity to teach herself to repair and drive a multitude of different vehicles, from motorcycles to big rigs to small planes. Worked as a charter pilot and rideshare driver on the side. Now owns the garage.

Dullahans were not supposed to be real. Neither were dark clouds which hovered over town and spurred people's worst impulses. She encountered one of each within the space of a year.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Branwen Deirdre Kwan have?

Would probably at very least like to keep a trained protection dog and a few shop kitties at the garage.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Speaks at very least English, Cantonese, Spanish, and a smattering of Tagalog.

Probably has a Suicide Girls gallery. She is, after all, inked up, hardwared up, and "dyed by her own hand."

This irascible little grease monkey is licensed under the following.

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