info Overview
Name - What is Naomi Éveline Diard’s full name?

Naomi Éveline Diard

Role - What is Naomi Éveline Diard’s role in your story?

Central cast member

Other names - What other aliases does Naomi Éveline Diard go by?

Ned, Sergeant Freckles

Gender - What is Naomi Éveline Diard’s gender?

She/her, cis

Age - How old is Naomi Éveline Diard?

Late 20s to early 30s, usually.

face Looks
Weight - How much does Naomi Éveline Diard weigh?

Around 135#, maybe?

Height - How tall is Naomi Éveline Diard?

About 5'5".

Hair Color - What color is Naomi Éveline Diard’s hair?

Dark ash-brown; prematurely graying.

Hair Style - How does Naomi Éveline Diard style their hair?

Crown braids.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Naomi Éveline Diard have?

Eyebrows, one of which got torn in thirds by a sand ghul.

Eye Color - What is Naomi Éveline Diard’s eye color?

Gray with iridal ephelides.

Race - What is Naomi Éveline Diard’s race?

Human (Black Creole and Cajun).

Skin Tone

Medium-light neutral brown; freckly.

Body Type

Sturdy and muscular; hourglass figure.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Naomi Éveline Diard have?

Four unpigmented linear scars running "from cheekbone to hairline, narrowly missing her right eye." Nose has been broken at least once. Left lower leg is prosthetic. Tattoo on right shoulder blade of a bare tree with drifting leaves (eleven red and gold, two russet); may or may not have an EGA over her heart. Used to have a face for recruiting posters; you can still kind of tell.

Design reference here.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Naomi Éveline Diard have?

Residual military bearing.

Motivations - What motivates Naomi Éveline Diard most?

She regrets every time that she failed to save someone's life.

Flaws - What flaws does Naomi Éveline Diard have?

Honorable to a fault, even when it comes back to bite her. Takes that motto entirely to heart, even when it comes back to bite her. Gruff, standoffish, somewhat abrasive. Raging PTSD and survivor guilt. Still smokes on occasion. Is a maudlin drunk.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Naomi Éveline Diard have?

Lack of military discipline sometimes gets her frustrated. This is why you're not re-integrating well, Ned. Also has some degree of internalized ableism.

Talents - What talents does Naomi Éveline Diard have?

Halfway-decent writer. Probably has a decent singing voice. Can wreck a threat's day from a mile off.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Naomi Éveline Diard have?

Probably low-key a nerd on some level.

Personality type - What personality type is Naomi Éveline Diard?



Raging PTSD. Missing leg. Guilt complex.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Naomi Éveline Diard practice?

Probably raised nominally Catholic.

Politics - What politics does Naomi Éveline Diard have?

Mostly apolitical, but likely at least somewhat left of what one would expect of a veteran from Louisiana. (She's black, bi, and self-aware. That would affect things.) Rest assured that whoever won an election, she would serve them a steady stream of guff whenever she thought it was merited—whether or not she'd voted for them. Relentless advocate for the rights and interests of veterans.

Occupation - What is Naomi Éveline Diard’s occupation?

Former Marine NCO, part-time rifle safety teacher and veterans'-interest editorialist.

Favorite color - What is Naomi Éveline Diard’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Naomi Éveline Diard’s favorite food?

"Anything that's not the fucking vomelet. Guess 'gumbo,' and I'll drop-kick you." (Actual answer: anything spicy and/or pineapple. Yes, that first category does include gumbo.)

Favorite possession - What is Naomi Éveline Diard’s favorite possession?

See "favorite weapon."

Favorite weapon - What is Naomi Éveline Diard’s favorite weapon?

A modified McMillan TAC-338 rifle. Blued hardware and a pepper laminate thumbhole stock with "Fatal Error" woodburnt in retro digital script.

Job - What job does Naomi Éveline Diard have?

Teaches rifle safety classes and occasionally writes veterans' interest stories.

date_range History
Education - What is Naomi Éveline Diard’s level of education?

As she'll remind anyone who underestimates her intelligence: she's an enlisted woman with a high-school education (don't mistake that for stupidity).

Background - What is Naomi Éveline Diard’s background?

She's a messed-up ex-Marine (don't use that phrase in her presence!) who's still getting re-integrated into civilian life (in her defense: she was barely eighteen when she shipped out to P.I.), and who's survived something that she probably believes deep down that she shouldn't have (read: horrifying glass-clawed sand creatures forcing her to watch while they wiped out the rest of her unit).

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

She owns a sniper rifle. Specifically: a highly modified McMillan TAC-338 with a pepper laminate thumbhole stock. She calls it Fatal Error; it's even got the name woodburnt into the stock in retro-digital script. That's right; she named her damn gun. What a dork.

She's bi as fuck. She figured this out on boot leave, then spent her entire military career closeted as fuck.

She's an enlisted woman with a high-school education, and she cusses like the proverbial. Mistake that for stupidity at your own peril.

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