info Overview
Name - What is Katherine Hart ’s full name?

Katherine Hart

Role - What is Katherine Hart ’s role in your story?

The vice president and former social chair of Tri Alpha. Fun-loving but neurotic.

Other names - What other aliases does Katherine Hart go by?

Katie (Just call her Katie)

Age - How old is Katherine Hart ?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Katherine Hart have?

Very chatty, exudes nervous energy. Shorter than most of her friends, so she's used to looking up at people or standing/bouncing on her tip-toes.

Motivations - What motivates Katherine Hart most?

Getting her marketing degree, making friends, and being popular/liked.

Flaws - What flaws does Katherine Hart have?

Gossipy, high-strung, insecure

Talents - What talents does Katherine Hart have?

She does excellent makeup (on herself and on anyone in her sorority who asks for it).

Hobbies - What hobbies does Katherine Hart have?

Watching Netflix and YouTube (especially drama channels), drinking

Personality type - What personality type is Katherine Hart ?

ESFP 2w3

Zodiac Sign



Rejection, being alone, bugs, reptiles, germs, chickens

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Katherine Hart practice?


Politics - What politics does Katherine Hart have?

She hasn't thought much about it, but she supports gay marriage and will gladly tell you so.

Occupation - What is Katherine Hart ’s occupation?

Marketing student

Favorite color - What is Katherine Hart ’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Katherine Hart ’s favorite food?

Strawberry poppyseed salad from Panera (BIG Panera gal).

Favorite possession - What is Katherine Hart ’s favorite possession?

I mean, her iPhone 11. What do you want her to say?

Favorite animal - What is Katherine Hart ’s favorite animal?

Anything fluffy and friendly. She has a couple labradoodles back home.

date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Katherine Hart weigh?

110 lbs

Height - How tall is Katherine Hart ?


Hair Color - What color is Katherine Hart ’s hair?

Dark brown, almost black

Hair Style - How does Katherine Hart style their hair?

Waist-length, straight. She typically wears it down, but when she doesn't, she'll French-braid it.

Eye Color - What is Katherine Hart ’s eye color?


Skin Tone

Light olive

Body Type

Thin, sort of pear-shaped

Kibbe Type

Soft Gamine

Color Season

Deep Winter

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edit Notes
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This character was created by charlotte on

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