info Overview
Name - What is Bradley Saxton’s full name?

Bradley Saxton

Role - What is Bradley Saxton’s role in your story?

The vice president of Tri Eta, and another family friend of the Addisons. Brad is off the walls, and not in a fun way, but he'll never face consequences because of his aforementioned connections.

Other names - What other aliases does Bradley Saxton go by?


Age - How old is Bradley Saxton?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Bradley Saxton have?

Swaggering, intimidating (on purpose). Impenetrably confident.

Motivations - What motivates Bradley Saxton most?

Money, pleasure, self-improvement/self-aggrandizement, and revenge.

Flaws - What flaws does Bradley Saxton have?

Temperamental, selfish, insensitive

Talents - What talents does Bradley Saxton have?

Very athletic; he can bench press over 300 lbs. This makes it very easy to win fights, especially against people who aren't 135 soaking wet.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Bradley Saxton have?

Exercising, drinking games, hunting, golf

Personality type - What personality type is Bradley Saxton?

ESTP 8w7

Zodiac Sign



The unfamiliar. He's a creature of habit, and he likes his life. He doesn't like things that interrupt his status quo.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Bradley Saxton practice?

Raised Baptist, but he doesn't particularly care.

Politics - What politics does Bradley Saxton have?

Conservative-leaning libertarian. Wishes Ben Shapiro would speak at his weird hipster college, a college he probably wouldn't be attending if it weren't for legacy.

Occupation - What is Bradley Saxton’s occupation?

Student, former finance intern at Addison Co.

Favorite color - What is Bradley Saxton’s favorite color?

Red and blue (go Pats)!

Favorite food - What is Bradley Saxton’s favorite food?

Totino's Party Pizzas. Listen, he actually knows how to cook them, and they make a great drunk meal. They're a whole party in a pizza.

Favorite possession - What is Bradley Saxton’s favorite possession?

The Mossberg 500 his dad got him for his 18th birthday.

Favorite animal - What is Bradley Saxton’s favorite animal?

He's not hugely connected to animals, but naturally, he likes his family cocker spaniel Deacon.

date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Bradley Saxton weigh?

190 lbs

Height - How tall is Bradley Saxton?


Hair Color - What color is Bradley Saxton’s hair?

Straw blonde

Hair Style - How does Bradley Saxton style their hair?

Short, layered, straight, typically loosely gelled

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Bradley Saxton have?

Light stubble

Eye Color - What is Bradley Saxton’s eye color?


Skin Tone

Fair to tan

Body Type


Kibbe Type

Flamboyant Natural

Color Season

Light Spring

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device_hub Family
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looks Random
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edit Notes
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This character was created by charlotte on

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