info Overview
Name - What is Jacob Ellis Branson’s full name?

Jacob Ellis Branson

Role - What is Jacob Ellis Branson’s role in your story?

The president of Eta Eta Eta, the biggest frat on campus. His father is good friends with the Addisons.

Other names - What other aliases does Jacob Ellis Branson go by?

Jeb (J.E.B., his initials. He pretty much exclusively goes by this nickname)

Age - How old is Jacob Ellis Branson?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jacob Ellis Branson have?

Relaxed, charming. It's hard to tell what he's thinking of you.

Motivations - What motivates Jacob Ellis Branson most?

Money and pleasure.

Flaws - What flaws does Jacob Ellis Branson have?

Judgmental, arrogant, dishonest

Talents - What talents does Jacob Ellis Branson have?

Great at networking, and knows how to make himself look great with minimal work. Also pretty good at math.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jacob Ellis Branson have?

Exercising, golfing, investing in and reading about the stock market (hey, it's a rush!)

Personality type - What personality type is Jacob Ellis Branson?

ESTJ 8w9

Zodiac Sign



Losing control (this is why he doesn't drink as heavily as some other members of his frat, or do any drugs besides weed)

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Jacob Ellis Branson practice?


Politics - What politics does Jacob Ellis Branson have?

Very fiscally conservative, socially moderate to right-leaning.

Occupation - What is Jacob Ellis Branson’s occupation?

Student, former finance intern at Addison Co.

Favorite color - What is Jacob Ellis Branson’s favorite color?

He hasn't really thought about it.

Favorite food - What is Jacob Ellis Branson’s favorite food?

Ribeye and lobster surf 'n' turf.

Favorite possession - What is Jacob Ellis Branson’s favorite possession?

His rolex.

Favorite animal - What is Jacob Ellis Branson’s favorite animal?

He doesn't like animals (he's also allergic to just about every kind of pet dander).

date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Jacob Ellis Branson weigh?

167 lbs

Height - How tall is Jacob Ellis Branson?


Hair Color - What color is Jacob Ellis Branson’s hair?

Light brown

Hair Style - How does Jacob Ellis Branson style their hair?

Perfectly-coiffed undercut

Eye Color - What is Jacob Ellis Branson’s eye color?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Lightly muscled

Kibbe Type

Dramatic Classic

Color Season

Clear Spring

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device_hub Family
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audiotrack Playlist
edit Notes

nash grier lookin ass

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