info Overview
Name - What is Elizabeth Ashley’s full name?

Elizabeth Ashley

Role - What is Elizabeth Ashley’s role in your story?

The president of Alpha Alpha Alpha. Shrewd, smart, and self-important, Elizabeth is the daughter of an alluring mage and the CFO of the Addison Corporation.

Other names - What other aliases does Elizabeth Ashley go by?

Liz (if you're in her inner circle)

Age - How old is Elizabeth Ashley?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Elizabeth Ashley have?

Clearly self-possessed, very charismatic and charming. Excellent posture, but not stiff. RBF.

Motivations - What motivates Elizabeth Ashley most?

Gaining and maintaining power and influence.

Flaws - What flaws does Elizabeth Ashley have?

Manipulative, cold-hearted, narcissistic

Talents - What talents does Elizabeth Ashley have?

She is a very eloquent speaker and writer, and she can do a crazy long keg stand.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Elizabeth Ashley have?

Working out, throwing parties. Model UN. Shut up.

Personality type - What personality type is Elizabeth Ashley?

ENTJ 8w9

Zodiac Sign



Helplessness, not immediately being good at things

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Elizabeth Ashley practice?


Politics - What politics does Elizabeth Ashley have?

Overall a centrist, but with very specific opinions. Generally in favor of a free market, generally "security-oriented" in terms of foreign policy, and generally socially liberal. Would have voted for Reagan, did vote for Hillary.

Occupation - What is Elizabeth Ashley’s occupation?

International business and political science student, mage (shhh)

Favorite color - What is Elizabeth Ashley’s favorite color?

Tiffany blue

Favorite food - What is Elizabeth Ashley’s favorite food?

Smirnoff Ice, baby!

Favorite possession - What is Elizabeth Ashley’s favorite possession?

Her La Mer Concentrate.

Favorite animal - What is Elizabeth Ashley’s favorite animal?


date_range History
face Looks
Weight - How much does Elizabeth Ashley weigh?

126 lbs

Height - How tall is Elizabeth Ashley?


Hair Color - What color is Elizabeth Ashley’s hair?

Medium blonde with dirty blonde roots

Hair Style - How does Elizabeth Ashley style their hair?

Mid-back length, fairly straight.

Eye Color - What is Elizabeth Ashley’s eye color?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Lean, hourglass figure

Kibbe Type

Dramatic (Classic Essence)

Color Season

Soft Autumn

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edit Notes
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