info Overview
Name - What is Khirim Vyur’s full name?

Khirim Vyur

Gender - What is Khirim Vyur’s gender?

Male he/him

Other names - What other aliases does Khirim Vyur go by?

Khiri, Lord Khirim


Lord of the Vyur House
Heir to High Lord Vyur

Role - What is Khirim Vyur’s role in your story?

Major side character

Age - How old is Khirim Vyur?


face Looks
Body Type

Skinny, long limbed, very tall

Height - How tall is Khirim Vyur?


Race - What is Khirim Vyur’s race?

Mostly Reiyane Atalan, but with a bit of northern heritage

Skin Tone

Medium brown

Hair Color - What color is Khirim Vyur’s hair?

Dark brown

Hair Style - How does Khirim Vyur style their hair?

Kept short and wavy, usually very well groomed

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Khirim Vyur have?

None, doesn't grow much and what little he does he shaves off


Being a lord, Khirim often wears expensive and flashy clothing, especially in places where he is trying to show off. He usually tries to stick to the court fashion but also likes to add his own distinct flair. He likes vivid colors, being most fond of reds, oranges, and green-blues. He loves big flashy jewelry, often adorned in dangly earrings and lots of bracelets and necklaces.

Facial Features

Long pointed face, narrow sloped nose, dark angular eyes and thin brows

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Khirim Vyur have?

Height, usually very easy to find in a crowd


Khirim has a very refined way of speaking. He enunciates clearly, has a big vocabulary, and has a smooth talking tone. Oftentimes he can sound passive aggressive or condescending.

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Khirim Vyur?

Khirim is extremely intelligent. He is clever and can usually find his way out of a difficult situation. He is a good conversationalist, being an eloquent speaker. He is very aware of the gossip that goes around in court and knows a lot of information on the people he associates with. He can be quite charismatic and usually gets along with most people that aren't put off by his reputation. Most of the way that Khirim acts publicly is a front, often faking his attitude and friends to get what he wants. He tells lies naturally as it is something he does often. He is extremely passionate, dedicated to his goals and the things he loves. He is defensive of his loved ones and shows a lot of care to his closest friends. He rarely gives up after he has set himself to something. He's introverted and uses time on his own to relax but also loves being out in public and in the spotlight for spurts of time.

Flaws - What flaws does Khirim Vyur have?

Although Khirim puts on a presentable exterior for others, he is extremely flawed. He is often reclusive with and has trouble processing his emotions, making it difficult for him to make true connections with others. Because of this, his moods are often unstable. He is easily irritated and doesn't have a good outlet for it, so he often gets snappy at people, usually those who are lower ranked and he can get away with making fun of. He views most people for their wealth or title, and is rude to people who are lower status while sucking up to people in power. He's quite two sided, and while he might act like friends with someone in public he'll insult them behind their back. Although already rich and powerful, he constantly seeks out more wealth and influence. He craves attention, sometimes pushing other people out of the way to get the spotlight. He often acts overly vain and self assured to hide his insecurities. Secretly, he often thinks he isn't good enough and worries that he disappoints his family. Has mommy issues

Motivations - What motivates Khirim Vyur most?

Khirim is extremely desperate for other people's approval, especially that of his mother's, Azana. Almost all of his aspirations and decisions in life are to appease her. These goals include becoming Prophet Heir, serving Valarae's Order, and gaining wealth and status. He has trouble thinking about what he wants to do outside of Azana's wishes since he has centered so much of his life around her.


Khirim does not mind hurting people's feelings or skirting around laws to get what he wants. Even then he has limits, not wanting to put people in physical danger and feeling remorse if he hurts someone too badly. Still, he mostly cares about the well being of himself and a few of the people he loves with little regard about how he might affect people outside that circle.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Khirim Vyur have?

Khirim looks down on commoners because of his status as a lord. He also has a disdain of the Nameless, low ranked people because they have been banished from their family and lost their family name. His prejudice against the Nameless excludes his mother, Azana, because he looks up to her and believes her banishment from the Vyur family to be unfair. He is also very judgmental of other members of the court based off of their ranking and places great importance on family status.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Khirim Vyur have?

Khirim spends most of his time dedicated to studying and practicing divination. He also spends quite a bit of time on poetry and his music, but they are less important to him than studying prophecy. He enjoys going out dining and sightseeing, trying to find what new places he can find. He is often seen socializing, frequenting parties. Although he enjoys aspects of it, it's mostly for reputation and something he's secretly not as much of a fan of.

Talents - What talents does Khirim Vyur have?

Nobles are expected to be highly skilled in the arts and intellect and therefore are given strong education in those areas. Even for the standards of the royal court, Khirim is considered an extremely talented individual, usually driven to learn new skills because of his ambition and need for positive reinforcement, and will often brag about it to others. He is proudest of his prophetic ability, being a powerful and well renown seer. He is multilingual, speaking four languages, and musical, playing three instruments. He also writes poetry and is a graceful dancer.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Khirim Vyur have?

Khirim is prone to glaring, and does it so frequently he sometimes doesn't notice it. When agitated, he crosses his arms or pinches the bridge of his nose. He is graceful, walking with long elegant steps. He is very well mannered, always following the proper protocol for nobility and being especially respectful to those with more power than him. He usually leans into people when he's interested in them or what they're saying. He has a bit of a flair for the dramatic, often pacing around the room or waving his hands around to express himself while talking. In casual settings he has a habit of lounging around, reclining on couches with his legs up or resting his feet on tables, but presents himself in a more suitable manner in public.




Khirim is a fairly powerful prophet. He slips into the catatonic state that prophets receive messages in very easily. His prophecies often have great significance and he has spent a lot of time practicing interpreting them.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Khirim Vyur’s occupation?

Khirim is a lord, and is the eldest heir to the position of High Lord of the Vyur family.

Former Occupations

Khirim was one of the many potential candidates to be the next Prophet Heir since the last heirs of the Alyamora family died. However, he did not get the position

Religion - What religion does Khirim Vyur practice?

Khirim practices Orazism, the major religion in Reiyane Atale. He is specifically a devout worshiper of Eialres, the god of fate, because he is a prophet. He was raised up in the religion and believes that his worship improves his prophetic skills. Each of the noble houses are supposedly descended from a major god, giving them the divine right to rule. Khirim is born from two noble families, his mother being a Kyral and his father being a Vyur. Therefore, he has the blood of Arolai, the god of love and fertility, and Erzanya, the goddess of the sun and history. He favors both these gods and often acts like he is superior because he is descended from not one, but two deities.

Politics - What politics does Khirim Vyur have?

Secretly, Lord Khirim plays a huge role in Valarae's Order, an organization that wants to take power from the ruling Maveryn family and divide their influence among all the other five noble houses. He molds most of his political ideas after his mother's, believing that the other ruling families, especially the Vyurs, are deserving of the power that the Maveryns have been keeping from them. Publicly, Khirim does not give an impression that he sticks to a certain set of politics, instead favoring whoever is popular at the time and whatever will benefit him. Despite planning to overthrow them, in the open he sucks up to the Maveryn family.

Favorite possession - What is Khirim Vyur’s favorite possession?

His books, his pens, his jewelry, he has so much he just couldn't choose


Khirim has a very mixed reputation. Since he is an eloquent speaker, many people like him. However, many others are more aware of Khirim's flaws, thinking of him as bratty and two-faced. There is also distrust of him because he is part of the Vyur family, and some believe him to be treasonous like his mother.

Former Friends

The Maveryn family, the ruling family of the country. The Vyurs and Maveryns used to be close family friends since the matriarchs, Azana and Dayane cared deeply for each other. However, after Azana committed treason and betrayed Dayane in an attempt for more power, the relationship between the families soured. The Vyurs, including Khirim, are still working to try and overthrow the Maveryns in the shadows, and the Maveryns hold the Vyurs in great suspicion.

Former Partners

Khirim has had several romantic relationships in the past, being a well renown and eligible noble. However, all of them have been broken off and he is not currently courting anyone. He had several potential suitors, including Adny, but that fell off after Valarae's Order was exposed. Khirim still has feelings for Adny and is trying to reestablish a connection.

Relationship Descriptions

Khirim met Paz Tiryat when they both were children, when she was the daughter of one of the guards that protected the Vyur family. Even though Paz was a commoner, the two became quick friends, not getting along with most other children. Paz eventually followed her father's footsteps and trained to be a guard. In adulthood, she became Khirim's personal guard, which only strengthened their friendship.

Ryzya is Khirim's tailor and Paz's fiancee, so she and Khirim get along well because they often spend time with each other. They both bond over their knowledge of fashion.

Khirim despises Sarus. He holds a grudge against Sarus for stealing money and the title of Prophet Heir from him, and often Sarus' charming and positive nature has no effect on Khirim. When they're not around others, Khirim is often rude to Sarus. However, Khirim is forced to work with Sarus to provide prophecies for him and has to pretend to be Sarus' friend for public image.

Khirim and Halisia Khavilis consider each other as rivals since they both competed for the title of Prophet Heir. Both being extremely competitive individuals, they each ended up with a distrust of the other. He also finds that Halisia pries too much in his personal business and suspects that she is trying to expose Valarae's Order.

Sexual Orientation


Favorite weapon - What is Khirim Vyur’s favorite weapon?

None, he isn't one for fighting

Favorite animal - What is Khirim Vyur’s favorite animal?

Tigers. He would never get near one though


The Vyur palace, a towering and gorgeous building. It is located on Taiasz, the main island of Reiyane Atale

info History
Education - What is Khirim Vyur’s level of education?

Khirim was very well educated. As nobility, he was provided extensive schooling and many tutors. He is a quick learner and very intelligent.

Background - What is Khirim Vyur’s background?

Khirim's early life was greatly influenced by his mother, Azana, who took control of what he did and who she wanted him to be. When Khirim was four, the estate of the royal prophet family, the Alyamoras, burned down. This killed almost all of the Alyamoras except for the elderly matriarch, Taysali Alyamora, who was too old to have another heir to take her place. Khirim was too young to understand the implications of this at the time. Although he had known the heir to the Alyamora throne, a boy around his age named Lleyan, the two weren't close and Khirim wasn't fazed by the death since he couldn't wrap his head around the concept of death by this point. The country began to panic, knowing the Alyamora line would come to an end and they would no longer have a Grand Prophet. It was believed the Alyamoras were the strongest prophets, and that no one could truly replace them and Reiyane Atale was doomed. As he grew older, Khirim tried to find interests and hobbies that his mother would approve of. However, she looked down on most of his endeavors, thinking they were frivolous. Then, Taysali announced that she would be letting prophets appeal to her to become her heir and continue the legacy of the Grand Prophets. Azana saw an opportunity for the Vyur family to gain power and started having Khirim study divination, hoping he could take the position. Khirim latched onto the art of prophecy, wanting to make his mother proud.

Azana was the head of a secret organization called Valarae's Order which sought to take power away from the ruling Maveryn family and divide it equally among the six noble houses. As a child, Khirim knew little about the group, only that it was a secret in their house that his parents frequently engaged in. But as he became older, he started to get more involved with it. When Khirim was sixteen, Valarae's Order was discovered by the Maveryns. Khirim was able to hide his involvement and not suffer any consequences, but Azana and a few other members were exposed of being treasonous. Many of the traitors were executed, but Azana was spared, although banished and stripped of her title and family name. In her banishment, Azana was able to hide away in the Vyur Estate, still controlling Valarae's Order in the shadows. After the incident, the Vyurs' reputation was greatly tarnished.

As an adult, Khirim gained a better reputation and started to try to take the title of Prophet Heir for himself. It was difficult because there were many competitors and the still grieving High Prophet Alyamora Taysali quickly grew to dislike Kiram. He eventually lost the title to one of his competitors, Halisia, who was to be trained under Taysali and be coronated in a few years. Azana was greatly disappointed in Khirim, and he too became upset with himself for his failure.

At the age of twenty two, Khirim returned early from a trip overseas. As he arrived, he heard that a thief had stolen money from him by pretending to be a member of Valarae's Order and one of Khirim's friends. Khirim went to confront and arrest the thief with Paz. However, Azana caught word and followed, taking an interest in the fraud, named Sarus, and proposed that he pose as the supposedly dead Prophet Heir Alyamora Lleyan to steal Halisia's title and give the Valarae's Order the influence it lost. Khirim was immediately upset, realizing that his dream of becoming the Prophet Heir was taken away, but relented to his mother's will. Since then, he has been working with Sarus.


Reiyane Atalan

device_hub Family
Family Relationships

Azana was one of the most influential figures in Khirim's life. She was extremely controlling of him, wanting him as the firstborn to turn out to be the perfect child. She drilled into him her own beliefs and ideals, reprimanding him harshly when he rebelled. She was extremely cruel and manipulative, even emotionally abusive, to make him the way she wanted. It was rare for Azana to be affectionate and she only showed him love when he pleased her or she needed to manipulate him. Khirim idolizes his mother and never understood most of the ways in which she hurt him, and will staunchly defend his mother when she is criticized.

Khirim has a fairly good relationship with his father, Cayeri Vyur. Cayeri often interacts with Khirim by teasing him, which Khirim reacts to with irritation. However, their bickering is usually all lighthearted and Khirim cares deeply for his father. However, Khirim often isn't emotionally vulernable with Cayeri, creating a division between them. Cayeri is the current High Lord and often acts as a teacher so Khirim can take the throne someday.

Khirim has a complicated relationship with his little sister, Meres. Azana often used her as a threat against him, claiming that if he failed as the heir then Meres would be his replacement. Azana often encouraged Khirim and Meres to compete, making their relationship strained. Khirim still loves Meres and wants to protect her as an older sibling, sometimes wishing they were closer, but has conflicted feelings because of how Azana pit them against each other.

Khirim has a huge extended family, almost entirely on his mother's side, who used to belong to the noble family of the Kyrals before her marriage to Cayeri. Although he has some friendships with a few of his family members, he is distant to most and judges them as he does anyone else in the royal court.

Extended Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
Character Evolution

There was an early version of False Prophet called "Disappearance of the Heir", which I eventually scrapped and have recently rebooted as False Prophet. There is no character that Khirim is directly based off of, but he does share a lot of similarities with a character named Cosimo Torvald. Mostly those similarities are appearance, being part of a secret organization, and having vaguely similar personalities. Otherwise, there aren't any characters that are direct predecessors of Khirim in Disappearance of the Heir


Not any direct inspirations I can really think of. Maybe kind of based off a prince in a fantasy novel I liked but who got pushed to the side. But they're not really that similar.

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