info Overview
Name - What is Taysali Alyamora’s full name?

Taysali Alyamora

Gender - What is Taysali Alyamora’s gender?

Female she/her

Other names - What other aliases does Taysali Alyamora go by?

Taysali, Grandmother, the Mad Prophet


Grand Prophet
High Lady of the Alyamora House

Role - What is Taysali Alyamora’s role in your story?

Major side character

Age - How old is Taysali Alyamora?


face Looks
Body Type

Squat, slightly hunched over from age

Height - How tall is Taysali Alyamora?

5'4" at full height, but appears slightly smaller because of posture

Race - What is Taysali Alyamora’s race?

Mixed, half Reiyane Atalan, half Hazobarian

Skin Tone

Medium brown, a bit on the darker side

Hair Color - What color is Taysali Alyamora’s hair?

White, once black

Hair Style - How does Taysali Alyamora style their hair?

Chest length, usually pulled into a loose braid

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Taysali Alyamora have?



Fifteen years after the death of her family, Taysali still wears ceremonial mourning clothes. Traditionally they are discarded a few months once the mourner has learned to move past their loved one's deaths, but Taysali continues to wear only proper funeral clothing. She often wears elegant but simple clothing that isn't overly flashy compared to most of the court. Frequently, her robes are decorated with religious tokens and symbols of a prophet.

Facial Features

Heavily wrinkled face, broad nose, once big eyes now squinted with age

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Taysali Alyamora have?

Taysali has burn scars up both of her arms, her back, and the base of her neck.

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Taysali Alyamora?

Taysali used to be a humorous and bright natured woman, often joking in inappropriate times but always helping other people cheer up. Her joy was broken after the death of her family and she now takes on a more somber attitude, but there are a few cracks where she brightens up and jokes around, especially with Halisia coming into her life and now with the return of "Lleyan". Although at times lighthearted, she can also quickly switch to sternness, having had to learn how to be serious to garner respect. She often spends most of her time alone and does not like speaking with others.When she was younger she was much more outgoing and friendly, but now she has little patience for other people and likes to spend time on her own. She's often very snarky and acts out towards people that annoy her. She's very honest and straightforward, getting quickly annoyed with lies. She's quite judgmental and often easily irritated. Since her name has been surrounded by so many rumors, she cares little about what others think about her. She's quite clever, having had a strong education.

Flaws - What flaws does Taysali Alyamora have?

Taysali has trouble connecting with people after the loss of her family. Change is something that scares her, instead preferring to stick to old methods even if they are outdated. She isolates herself and is usually very snappy. Her mood swings wildly, and she frequently goes from jovial to sour. She is often judgmental of people and has no patience for them when they cross her. She often acts maliciously towards people she dislikes, making cruel comments about them, and often gets away with it, being seen as an elderly woman with little grasp of proper etiquette.

Motivations - What motivates Taysali Alyamora most?

Taysali did not have much motivation after the death of her family, spending most of her time in bed and grieving. Still, she forces herself to continue the duties of the Grand Prophet, since she is the only Alyamora left to serve the noble families. She also wanted to train Halisia to take her place but that changed when "Lleyan" returned and she began training him instead.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Taysali Alyamora have?

Taysali hates people who she thinks are deceptive, having had many experiences where people in the court mocked her behind her back. She has lived an extremely privileged life and therefore does not have a lot of empathy for those who live dissimilar lives to her. She looks down on the poor, thinking of them as lesser people. Still, she believes they are in need of guidance from the upper classes and helps with charities that service them. She is a strong traditionalist and has immediate suspicion of any change. She greatly dislikes prophets who use divination practices that she deems strange and fake. Being quite zealous about her religion and she thinks people of other religions are foolish.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Taysali Alyamora have?

Taysali spends most of her time doing her proper duties Grand Prophet or sleeping, too exhausted to do much other than stay in bed. Still, in what little free time she has, she tries to read, something she has always been fond of. She also spends a lot of time praying or meditating outside of what is necessary as it puts her at ease. Occasionally, she likes to play music, but it is something that frequently brings her pain since her late husband was a musician.

Talents - What talents does Taysali Alyamora have?

Taysali is an extremely talented prophet, having years of experience. However, some believe she has lost that skill, as many of her prophecies have not been coming true and her visions are not as clear. She knows three languages, and is a skilled poet and a musician, being able to play several instruments. Although her voice has grown gravelly with age, she still is a beautiful singer.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Taysali Alyamora have?

Taysali's back has trouble moving around with her age and often leans on another person or a cane for support. Her vision has grown dull, so she is often squinting. When trying to see something or someone, she will often pull them closer to get a better look at them. She usually has an annoyed expression on her face and she also raises her voice when she's irritated. When having personal conversations she will place her hand on the person's arm or hand. She cups other people's faces to show affection. Her voice grows stern and she raises herself higher when she's upset or trying to command respect.


Years after the death of her family, Taysali is still grieving and has suffered great emotional pain from the loss. Being the only Alyamora who escaped the fire, she has felt a lot of survivor's guilt, wishing she had been the one to die instead. She fell into a deep depression, isolating herself from others and refusing to move on. Some people claim that her grief has driven her mad and ruined her prophetic ability as many of her prophecies have not come to fruition. As she is getting older, Taysali is much more prone to sickness. She is frequently bedridden, which is only worsened with her mental state. However, it seems that the presence of Halisia and "Lleyan" in her life started to help her recovery.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Taysali Alyamora’s occupation?

Grand Prophet, an important member of the court who uses divination to advise the noble families. They serve as a leader to all other prophets and often act as a high priest to the god Eialres.

Religion - What religion does Taysali Alyamora practice?

Taysali is an extremely devout follower of Orazism, being the Grand Prophet to the god of fate, Eialres. She relies greatly on her faith and spends a lot of time doing the proper rituals to Eialres.

Politics - What politics does Taysali Alyamora have?

Taysali is a very strong traditionalist and a supporter of the Maveryn family. She believes that the court system is perfect the way it is and has a strong dislike of anyone who tries to challenge it. Her politics and religion tie in strongly with each other, as the Maveryns are supposedly descended from the queen goddess, Nalyta. She has a strong disdain for anyone who is critical of the Maveryns and how they run the country.

Favorite possession - What is Taysali Alyamora’s favorite possession?

Taysali's favorite possessions are the few pictures and paintings of her family that survived the Alyamora fire, one of the few last ties to connect her to them.


Taysali is often looked at with pity, being the sole survivor of the Alyamora fire. However, there are also many rumors surrounding her. Many say that she has gone mad with age and grief, and that her skills in prophecy have deteriorated completely. Other gossip is more sinister, a few claiming that her grief is an act for sympathy or that she had something to do with the fire. Still, the more extreme rumors are seen as ridiculous and she is respected by most.

Relationship Descriptions

Halisia was Taysali's next heir before "Lleyan" took the throne. They had a close relationship, both somewhat outcast in the court and Taysali becoming a mentor figure to Halisia. Halisia was strongwilled and wanted to become Prophet Heir to make a change in the world, both things that Taysali wanted in her next heir. Even though Taysali was an authority figure to Halisia, they were able to act casually around each other, having inside jokes and deeply trusting each other. Taysali had lost her grandchild and Halisia had lost her grandmother a few years back, so they even started to see each other as family, filling in the roles of those they'd lost. However, when "Lleyan" arrived, Taysali called off Halisia's coronation. Halisia was upset and started openly suspecting Sarus of being a fraud and being hostile towards him. Taysali was horrified at what Halisia was saying about her grandson and cut off ties with her.

Kiram was one of the competitors for the title of Prophet Heir and one of the first that Taysali considered because of his renown among other prophets. However, when Taysali took the time to speak to Kiram, she was immediately put off by his personality. She saw Kiram for his duplicity and snobbishness, kissing up to people in power for his own means and wanting to be Prophet Heir for the prestige and wealth. She had also heard about the treason of Azana, Kiram's mother, and decided she didn't want Kiram to become Prophet Heir. She was annoyed when Kiram continued to pursue the title, still trying to get on her good side. She often mocks Kiram, both in private and to his face, criticizing his methods of prophecy and his behavior. Kiram occasionally bites back in private and the two have a very antagonistic relationship.

Caerisus was one of the close friends of Esetri, Taysali's youngest son. Taysali did not think of Caerisus much at first but was amicable to him because of his friendship with her son. After the fire and the death of Esetri, Caerisus spent a lot of time with Taysali expressing his condolences and helping her with the aftermath. Taysali grew fond of Caerisus as she could share the pain of Esetri's loss with him. Although they are still not very close, they both have an understanding and friendly relationship and Taysali is more open to him than most others.

info History
Birthday - When is Taysali Alyamora’s birthday?

Born in 3606

Education - What is Taysali Alyamora’s level of education?

Taysali had a very strong education. Although she was a bit slower to learn than most, with hard work she showed to be extremely intelligent. She was trained by some of the best prophets in the country and helped her become talented herself.

Background - What is Taysali Alyamora’s background?

Taysali had a very happy childhood, being pampered and getting along well with the other children her age. Most nobles had a distant relationship with their children, letting the servants do most of the work, but both of Taysali's parents were very present and supportive in her life. As she grew older, she started to train to become the next Grand Prophet after her mother. Although at the beginning she had trouble and many were worried she didn't have the gift of prophecy, she worked hard and became a strong prophet. She had a high status in the royal court and didn't have to deal with much of the competition of lower ranked nobles.

Eventually, Taysali was coming of the age where she wanted to start a family of her own. Most marriages in the royal court were arranged, many couples not romantically compatible and only tolerating each other for political reasons. Taysali was lucky to fall in love with and marry Rylan, a well renowned court musician who she genuinely loved and who her family approved of. They had trouble producing an heir and Taysali was worried she wouldn't be able to have a child. Blood relation was extremely important to the nobility, believing their heir had to inherit their supposed divine blood. At the age of thirty-three she finally had her first son, Aylleo. Four years later she had Esetri. Taysali was very close to her children and when Aylleo came of age she began teaching him to become the next Grand Prophet. Aylleo and Esetri grew up, and Aylleo eventually married a woman named Tiryia. It wasn't long until Taysali had a grandson by the name of Lleyan. Taysali loved being a mother and a grandmother, always being extremely loving to her family and feeling happy with the life she had set out for herself. Her career had also been prosperous, having helped the royal court many times with her prophecies and being regarded as an astounding prophet.

In her sixties, Taysali was living happily with her family and was getting ready to retire her position to Aylleo. Lleyan had recently turned four and she had grown extremely fond of her grandson. But one night the Alyamora Estate caught fire. Taysali barely escaped with a few of the servants, although she had several bad burns. She spent several days unconscious under a healer's watch, only to wake up and find out she had outlived the rest of her family. Taysali was heartbroken, becoming withdrawn and somber. For a while, Taysali considered completely isolating herself from the rest of society and letting a natural death take her. However, she realized she had no heir to take her place and if she died the royal court would collapse without her. She worked to recover from her wounds and continued her duties as the Grand Prophet.

Not long after the fire, the ruins of the Alyamora Estate were looked over to see if anything could be recovered. They were able to find almost all of the bodies for burial except for Lleyan's. Rumors spread that Lleyan had somehow survived the fire and was somewhere out there. That immediately brought Taysali's hopes up, but after years of false leads and frauds trying to take the spot, she lost hope her grandson would return. Seeing that the Alyamora throne was empty, many up and coming prophets began competing to get a chance to move up in the world. Taysali was reluctant, as it was believed that the prophecies of the Alyamoras were greater than any other's because of their divine blood. Neither did she want to replace the position that she had planned her son and grandson to inherit. However, after giving up hope Lleyan would ever return she finally began considering a new heir. She was unhappy with many of the candidates and was worried that no one would be good enough to be the Prophet Heir, until she finally decided on Halisia. Taysali believed that Halisia was a talented prophet and a good person, admiring her sense of justice. Taysali also liked Halisia's honesty, believing that many of the other competitors were deceitful. Taysali took on Halisia and began training her, the two forming a close bond over the years. Soon, Halisia was about to formally become the Prophet Heir.

A few days before Halisia's coronation and eighteen years after the Alyamora fire, a man calling himself Alyamora Lleyan presented himself to Taysali. Taysali was at first skeptical, but after one of his prophecies came true and realizing that he had a burn scar that would have covered up his birthmark, she came to believe that this was truly Lleyan. She welcomed him back home with open arms and immediately called off Halisia's coronation, unaware he was just another fraud.

device_hub Family
Family Relationships

Taysali was born to Alyamora Hyellia and Cynan, who she got along with well. Hyellia was the Grand Prophet before her and Cynan was a royal ambassador from Hazobar. Both were very involved in her life and supportive of her. Taysali's mother died when she was in her late forties and her father followed about a decade later.

Vanas was Taysali's little brother. The two had contrasting personalities and they often quarreled, Vanas being the more reserved of the two. Although frequently getting in arguments, they still cared about each other deeply and became better friends in adulthood.

She had a very close relationship with her husband, Rylan. She first met him because he was a court musician, and the two bonded over their love of music. They found that they both had the same sense of humor and were both cheery people. They became closer and began courting, having a long and happy marriage before the Alyamora fire.

Taysali had two sons, Aylleo and Esetri. Esetri was the more funloving and reckless of the two and so Taysali got along with him better. Although Aylleo was more serious and a bit of a black sheep in the Alyamora family, he became closer to his mother as she began teaching him about prophecy and started training him to take her place. Taysali loved both of her sons and was always there for them, being present in their lives as her parents had been for hers.

Tiryia was Aylleo's wife and Taysali's daughter-in-law. When Taysali first met Tiryia, she was impressed by her high status in the court and her intelligence. She thought Tiryia would be a good fit for her son and arranged a marriage between the two. Aylleo and Tiryia seemed satisfied in the arrangement. However, Taysali only got to know Tiryia for a few years for the fire and they weren't very close, Tiryia usually being quite formal around Taysali.

Taysali only had her grandson, Lleyan, for four years, but she still loved him dearly. She thought he was a promising heir and showered him with affections and presents, already being a huge figure in his life in his early years. Currently, she believes that Sarus is her grandson returned to the throne as an adult, unaware he is a fraud and not related to her at all. She frequently dotes on "Lleyan", admiring his charm and compassion and proud of him to be her heir. However, she is worried about him because of his close relationship of the Vyur family and believing that his commoner upbringing might have changed him in some ways.

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