info Overview
Name - What is Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn’s full name?

Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn

Gender - What is Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn’s gender?

Male he/him

Other names - What other aliases does Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn go by?

Elionel Derian before marriage

Role - What is Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn’s role in your story?

Major side character

Age - How old is Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn?


face Looks
Body Type

Very fit, a bit broad shouldered and muscled

Height - How tall is Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn?


Race - What is Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn’s race?


Skin Tone


Hair Color - What color is Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn’s hair?

White, used to be blonde

Hair Style - How does Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn style their hair?

Kept short, straight, usually pushed out of his face

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn have?

Usually clean shaven, sometimes has a bit of stubble


Very fine and elegant clothing. Likes to wear deep dark colors. He always makes sure to complement but never outdo what his wife is wearing. Otherwise, Elionnel does not have much care for what we wears as long as he can move around in it and just goes with what his tailors advise or what's in fashion.

Facial Features

Round green eyes, strong broad jaw, thin straight nose, broad brows, getting a few wrinkles as he ages

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn have?

Although he grew up in Reiyane Atale, Elionnel has a very faint Auwdoonian accent inherited from being around his family

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn?

Elionnel is a very confident and charming person, immediately making a presence in whatever room he is in. Some think he is even a bit too friendly, treading into people's personal boundaries and sometimes being intimidating. He is calculating and loves having control, even over other people's lives. He likes to be prepared, often carefully planning events out. He usually acts quite jovial, but can turn stern quickly when he needs to. Although being charismatic and craving power, he still prefers to be a follower of someone higher than him, not having the entire skill set to be a strong leader. He's extremely loyal, never betraying the ideals he believes in or the people he trusts. He's not a mastermind or exceptionally intelligent like some other members of the court, but he can still be quite clever and deceptive. He can also be quite secretive and shifty, having many connections he can use to get what he wants. He cares deeply for his family and friends, trying to be there in their lives and do the best that he can for them. He loves caring for others and having authority over them, having a fondness for children and acting as a father to the young people in his life. He would never hurt those he loves, but he's willing to harm others if he has a weaker connection with them.

Flaws - What flaws does Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn have?

Elionnel doesn't like to show negative emotions and often bottles up his feelings until they boil over. Although he is ashamed of it, he is easily angered when he feels like he isn't in control of a situation. He has trouble managing his anger, having violent outbursts when he's upset. Although charming, he doesn't entrance everyone, some put off by his nosiness and hunger for power. He idealizes his country and his wife to an almost obsessive point and despises anyone that questions them. He is very stubborn about his worldview and refuses to admit when he's wrong. He is often arrogant, being overly assured in himself. He is also willing to abuse his power and hurt people he doesn't care about if he thinks he needs to, and even deliberately goes out of his way to damage others if he actively dislikes them.

Motivations - What motivates Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn most?

Elionnel most of all wants to serve his country and his family, always taking the actions that he think will help them best. He desires control over the court and his family life as long as it doesn't go against the wishes of his wife and the ruler of Reiyane Atale, Dayane.


Elionnel is willing to do many things that are considered immoral. His family has connections to the black market and smugglers. Among his close friends, he boasts about some of the crimes he's committed and often offers his connections if they need it. Rumors are that he's even hired assassins before or committed murder by his own hand, believing he may have been behind some of the disappearances in the royal court. He tries to do some good, sometimes because he genuinely thinks it's something he should do and sometimes for his public image. He occasionally does charity work and tries to help those in misfortune.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn have?

Elionnel has a particular disdain for the Vyur family since Azana committed treason. He dislikes anyone who questions the Maveryns' divine right to rule or the royal court. He doesn't care much for the poor, thinking that they are lesser people and if they were born into poverty, then they deserve to be there.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn have?

Elionnel often plays sports and he's a strong competitor, and occasionally hunts as well. He's often socializing, not only because it's something he enjoys but an important part of his role as the Astezas Consort. He loves to go out with his children, encouraging them to spend more time outside and trying to teach them lessons about life.

Talents - What talents does Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn have?

Elionnel is extremely strong and fit. He's a good speaker and often gets along with others. He has a lot of connections and knows how to use them to get what he wants. He's a very good listener and team worker. He's bilingual, speaking both Auwdoonian and Reiyane Atalan, but speaking only two languages isn't regarded as very impressive in the royal court where most speak three languages or more. He knows how to play a few musical instruments, but isn't particularly interested in the arts and doesn't take it up much.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn have?

Elionnel usually has a big grin on his face. He presents himself as friendly by putting his arms up at his sides, and often pats people on the shoulder or gives them a quick hug to greet them. He has a deep and hearty laugh. He often appears confident, with his chest out. He has good posture, almost always having a straight back and remaining graceful. His expression can quickly darken when he's upset. When angry he will clench his fists and raise his voice, which with his large build can seem quite intimidating. Almost always after breaking out in anger at a person he will apologize, usually ashamed of his outbursts.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn’s occupation?

Elionnel is the consort to Astezas Maveryn Dayane. His job is mostly to ensure the family line, advise his wife, and help with the royal family's public image.

Religion - What religion does Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn practice?

Elionnel is an extremely devout follower of Orazism. Elionnel strong believes that the nobility have divine blood, often speaking on the idea. He abides by the expected rules of the religion and disdains those who go against tradition. It is widely believed that the Maveryn family is descended from the queen goddess, Nalyta. Elionnel agrees with this idea, often treating his wife and children more like divine beings than actual humans.

Politics - What politics does Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn have?

Elionnel is a very strong supporter of tradition and keeping the court the way it is. He believes the Maveryn family deserves to be in a power, being part of it, and gets upset whenever anyone questions any of his wife's decisions. He thinks that Reiyane Atale deserves more power, and should work on gaining it, even if it means taking from other countries. Even though he is married to the Astezas, he is not nearly as powerful as his wife or even the High Lords and Ladies, having just a bit more influence than some of the lower and middle caste nobles. However, he often uses blackmail or his connections to get power over other people and gain more sway in the royal court.


Elionnel is generally well liked in the royal court and by the people of Reiyane Atale. They see him as an outstanding man who cares deeply about his family and his country. However, there are others who are more distrustful of him and his strange behaviors. Since Elionnel's family dealt with the black market in the past, many thing he might still be doing illicit actions currently. Others also distrust him for his anger issues and his interest in controlling other's lives.

Former Friends

Elionnel formerly considered Lady Azana to be a good acquaintance and family friend, since she and Dayane were very close. Elionnel and Azana themselves weren't especially close, Azana's coldness clashing with Elionnel's friendliness, only being tentatively polite and spending time around each other for Dayane. Both were secretly quite judgmental of each other, Elionnel thinking Azana aloof and Azana thinking Elionnel dull. After Azana committed treason and was banished from the royal court, Elionnel has had a strong hatred for her.

Relationship Descriptions

Elionnel believes that Sarus is Alyamora Lleyan and is completely unaware he is actually a fraud. He thinks that Sarus is charming and has a lot of potential as an heir. Since Lleyan's father is dead, he tries to act like a father figure to Sarus. Sarus often turning away these attempts, feeling awkward around Elionnel. Sarus thinks Elionnel is well meaning and generally a good man, but doesn't want to close to him to keep his identity secret. Elionnel is especially upset that Sarus is so close to the Vyur family and often tells him to keep away from them, thinking they are trying to corrupt him.

info History
Background - What is Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn’s background?

Elionnel originally belonged to the Derians, a powerful merchant family. They formerly worked in Auwdoon, a country in the northern Mainland. Before Elionnel was born, the business was run by his father and at its peak. They had a strong alliance with Reiyane Atale, selling silk imported from the country. However, it was revealed that the Derians were illicitly trading with Learton, a country that Auwdoon was at war with. The Derian family were marked as criminals and to be executed. The Derians fled the country and were allowed asylum in Reiyane Atale. Eventually, Elionnel was born in Reiyane Atale. His family were beginning to make a name for themselves in the court and Elionnel was raised in wealth and privilege. He quickly grew accustomed to the Reiyane Atalan traditions and began participating in the court as he grew older. Immediately, he was well liked for his charm, quickly raising up the ranks. He encountered quite a bit of competition from other low ranking court members in the beginning, but as they learned more about his violent temper and his family's past dealings they usually stopped messing with him.

Finally, Elionnel had made enough of a name for himself to be in the presence of the Astezas at the time, Maveryn Tylith, and his family. Dayane was the sole heir to the throne and already had many suitors clamoring for her hand. The moment Elionnel met her, he was stricken with her. Many of Dayane's suitors were more viable options, being more wealthy and powerful, but Elionnel was able to stand out with his charm. Unlike most of the other suitors, he felt attraction to her, which although it was based on his first impressions of her appearance and personality, was better than the apathy some of the other suitors showed. As they became closer, Elionnel had better chemistry with Dayane than most of the other suitors, so they eventually began courting. There was a bit of hesitance for Dayane's parents to approve of the couple, having heard of rumors about Elionnel. But Elionnel never once turned his anger towards Dayane and they eventually decided they might be able to use his connections to their advantage. Within a year, Dayane and Elionnel were married. Elionnel quickly acclimated to his new title. He was extremely happy with his marriage to Dayane and his newfound power. He was generally quite popular in the court. And if somebody crossed him, he had the power to hurt them in return.

Dayane and Elionnel both had a fondness for a children and wanted to have their own. They had their first daughter, Melestha, not long after their marriage. Within five years, they had two sons, Wylren and Eremin. Around that time, Dayane became especially close to Azana, the High Lady of the Vyur House who had a son around Wylren's age. Then the Alyamora fire happened, killing almost the entire Alyamora family. The Alyamoras were the royal prophets and head advisors to the Maveryns. Dayane started to break down, not knowing what to do after the loss. Elionnel had to take up her stead for some time, watching over the country. Eventually, Dayane recovered, retaking her position. In the follow eleven years, Elionnel and Dayane had three more children, Fynlin, Keltrine, and Tysri. Following shortly after Tysri's birth, Azana committed treason and was banished by Dayane. Dayane was brokenhearted by the betrayal and Elionnel tried to comfort her in that time. After that, Elionnel lived an otherwise comfortable life, happy with his position as the Astezas Consort and relishing in his power and wealth.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Astezas Consort Elionnel Maveryn have?

Elionnel has several karoans, six foot tall lizards that are domesticated in Reiyane Atale and used as mounts. He often enjoys hunting on them, and has taught his children how to tame and ride them.

Family Relationships

Dayane and Elionnel have a complicated relationship. The two love each other and are happy together but Elionnel completely idolizes Dayane. He sees her as a perfect being for her status and heritage, refusing to acknowledge any of her faults. This puts a strain in their relationship, as Elionnel does not fully understand Dayane as a person as he turns a blind eye to many parts of her character. Dayane was slightly uncomfortable with the dynamic in their first years of marriage but didn't want to bring it up. It continued for years, and Dayane accepted the worship that Elionnel gave her and even began to enjoy it. However, she often feels like she can never truly be open with Elionnel.

Elionnel has six children named Melestha, Wylren, Eremin, Fynlin, Keltrine, and Tyrsi. He has not done much of the raising of his children, since servants and tutors spent most of the time caring for the welfare and education Maveryn children. Still, he spends a lot of time with them and tries to act as a role model. He is quite close with most of his children. He also idolizes his children in the same way he does Dayane, believing they have divine blood and sometimes treating them godly, which occasionally puts a strain on his relationship with them.

Elionnel has a baby grandson, Lerain, the child of his eldest, Melestha. He is extremely proud of Lerain, being the second heir in line to the throne of the Astezas.

Only one of Elionnel's parents, his father, is alive. They still have a good relationship and keep in contact. Elionnel also has an older sister who has taken over the family business and a little sister who has settled down in the countryside on the Mainland. He isn't able to see them often, but gets along with them.

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