info Overview
Name - What is Asumi Himawari’s full name?

Asumi Himawari



Virtue and Sin

Delusion, Hope(virtue)

Sexual Orientation

Bisexual (Equal Leaning)

Age - How old is Asumi Himawari?


Birthday - When is Asumi Himawari’s birthday?

May 6

Gender - What is Asumi Himawari’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Asumi Himawari go by?

Doll(Emiko), Mimi(Eri), Darling (Hanaki) Asu-kun(Collin) Himawari-sama/san(Mikoto) Kitty(Unzari) Sumi-kun(Minato) Sunshine(Kage) Adam (????)
Bias: Four eyes/Sunflower Boy(Kage), Cattle(Hikari) Glasses Proxy, Demon Child (Aunt)

Role - What is Asumi Himawari’s role in your story?


face Looks *Use picture as reference*
Weight - How much does Asumi Himawari weigh?

Average (177lb)

Height - How tall is Asumi Himawari?

Around 6 feet

Hair Color - What color is Asumi Himawari’s hair?

Bumblebee yellow

Hair Style - How does Asumi Himawari style their hair?

Short, messy hair that fall to his shoulders

Body Type

Slim lean frame, Average arms, and legs


He has a round face with smooth skin and doe eyes

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Asumi Himawari have?

Peach fuzz (Shaven)

Eye Color - What is Asumi Himawari’s eye color?

China blue


Human (Vessel)

Race & Ethnicity


Skin Tone


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Asumi Himawari have?

His pupils look like Xs

android Species



Unknown, They typically die around 20 in accidents or from suicide

Special Features

They are vessels for Nanami Himawari so they usually look like any other human
Their blood has healing properties, a sweet smell, and can give the drinker intense power
They have X-shaped pupils


Normal food

Dominant Gender

Normally Feminine but males aren't unheard of

Behaviour as a whole

They typically live their lives as normal humans, unknown that they are carrying the seed to the garden of Eden, When they're eighteen the seeds are activated and they are pursued by angels and demons


See Nanami Himawari for details

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Asumi Himawari most?

Becoming a cupid
Finding a soulmate
Figuring out the mystery Amoret and why she possessed him


Optimist, Clever, Kind, Friendly, Hardworking, Protective, Stubborn, Idealistic, Naive, Inflexible, Just, Stubborn, Pushy, Boku

Asumi is seen as a cheerful and helpful young man. He appreciates both hard work and enjoyment. Regardless of the difficulties he faces, he seems to always recovers and learns from them.

When he trains, his goal-fixation strength increases to the point of fixation. He holds high regard for both his peers and authority.

At times, he may be a chatterbox, chatting till he loses sight of time. His positivism might be harmful at times since he adheres to his ways of thinking and puts positivity on even the most hopeless situtions
Stress can cause him to go into denial, leading to a state of desperation and to suffer hallucinations and insomnia. His mind plays tricks on him when he attempts to handle these episodes on his own and refuses to ask for help.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Asumi Himawari have?

Video games
Carving or building miniatures out of cardboard


Being worthless
Being an outcast

Role model/Inspiration



"I'll take care of it"
"There must be a way"

3d_rotation Mannerisms

Has his head up
Shoulders back
Pushes his glasses back
Sensitivity to pain
Stomach cramps
Night sweats
Assuming the best of people
Viewing mistakes as learning opportunities
Playing matchmaker; wanting others to share in one’s happiness
Being supportive; encouraging people in the pursuit of their goals and dreams
Believing that occasional setbacks make success more meaningful and satisfying
Not sweating the small stuff
Believing that life is precious
Trying to save people who are chronically negative


Noticing the small things
Showing patience
Quick movements
Tapping feet/hands to an easy beat
A small, delighted smile
Leaning in
Clutching at the chest or belly
Exhaling while the eyes look up
A gaze that darts to a symbol of hope
A strong awareness of one’s surroundings
Thinking positive thoughts
A sense of calm


Stiff eyelids
A forced smile
Displaying low interest in one’s surroundings
Tying to find distractions or and a solution
Over-the-top exuberance meant to mask one’s true feelings
Exhibiting positive emotions (happiness, joy, contentment, etc.) in a way that seems forced
Hiding or denying one’s tears
Surreptitiously avoiding the topic of one’s discouragement (not going certain places, steering conversations away from the subject, etc.)
Feigning disinterest; pretending one wasn’t really invested in the goal anyway
Putting on a happy face in front of others, then falling apart when one is alone
Self-medicating in private


Flaring nostrils
Baring one’s teeth
A direct stare that lacks warmth
Speaking matter-of-factly
Arms crossed over the chest
A flat look, the eyes narrowed


Face turning white
Clammy hands
Tight shoulders
Leg muscles tightening, the body ready to run
Beads of sweat on the lip or forehead
Fidgety hands that won’t settle
Wide eyes
Contacting the authorities for help against suspected assailants
An inability to maintain long-term relationships
Restless sleep, tossing and turning
Backing away with raised hands
The belief that one is no longer required to live by the laws of society
A complete break with reality
Anxiety attacks


Averting or lowering one’s gaze
Turning away
Chin dipping to the chest
A slumped posture
Frantically tries to fix the problem
Becoming excessively resourceful or helpful to make up for earlier failure


Repeating one’s thanks and appreciation
Holding onto someone’s hand for longer than necessary
Hugging, showing affection
A light squeeze during a handshake
A smile that has a genuine build and lights up the face


Leaning in or forward
Relaxing one’s posture
A beaming expression, glowing cheeks
Strong eye contact, very little blinking
Focusing on the other’s best attributes
Taking large, deep, savoring breaths
A yearning look


Trying to calm himself done
Trying to put on a brave face (smiles that flicker and go out false enthusiasm)
Throwing oneself into a task to keep one’s mind off what has happened
Keeping secrets so others maintain their hope
Lying to others; telling them that things are fine when they are not
Increased vigilance
Trying to escape reality
Eyes going wide
Reassuring others
Believing a lie if it offers hope
Pleading, abasing, or disregarding personal worth or pride
Extreme risk-taking
Offering an exchange: "Take me instead," or "I’ll go, you stay."
Pushing past one’s limits to find the needed strength
Refusing to be persuaded
Unable to blink

groups Social

Ice cream
The outdoors
Sunflower seeds
Bubble tea
Crepe cake


Becoming Insane Again
Being alone
Being pushed back

Relationship Status



Into the gentle and nurturing type (female) or the cool and brotherly type (male)

Reputation Stats

Neutral: He's a new student, so no one knows him enough to hate or like him. He does earn a few admirers in his class, though his involvement in the incidents causes people to avoid him in fear of getting harmed too.

Occupation - What is Asumi Himawari’s occupation?

Student/ Cashier

Favorite possession - What is Asumi Himawari’s favorite possession?

A necklace from Mother

Favorite weapon - What is Asumi Himawari’s favorite weapon?

Bow & Arrow

Relationship description

Eri Sayuri - status: Admiration-

Eri had been with Asumi since his father died. She protected him from her mother, bullies, and everything painful in the world. He looks up to her and follows her around like a puppy.
When he ran away, he still hold her close in his heart

Dahlia Himawari - Status- Admiration-
His mother, the most he knows of her is in stories and pictures, though he still aspires to be like her

Kiiro Himawari (Suzuki) - Status: Admiration-
He was protected by his father from the start until he passed away in a fire.

[[Character-919597]] -Status: Fear-
He was terribly abused by his aunt, calling him a demon, trying to convince Eri to abandon him. The fear she instilled in him was not only for her, but for himself as well.


Kage Shiore -Status: Contempt-
They started off on the wrong foot, since their ideologies contradict one another. While they tend to avoid each other, they soon realize that they have more in common than they do differences

Minato Ouka -Status: Friendship-
Her and he met again on his return from school at Hanakago Academy, in which the girl plays games and he helps her study. In the summer, she changed, he admits

Collin Koi -Status: Acquainted-
Asumi feels as though he has met Collin before, he treats him just as he treats anyone else

Mikoto Naruhito -Status: Slight Friendship-
A classmate who often shows him around the school and looks up to him while he defends her against bullies and helps her in the library

Hanaki Akogare -Status: Friendship-
The two of them train in the archery room together while Hanaki gives him health advice. He is regarded as an admirable figure by Asumi because he is mature and kind

Emiko Junjo -Status: Arm’s-length- A classmate that he finds a bit strange, but does notice she is underweight and does give her some food

Unzari Hachirou -Status: arm’s-length-
A classmate of his, he doesn't know him very well

Hikari Shiore -Status: arm's distance-
Class rep, he turns to her for everything class related, except that he does not know her very well.

Makoto Naruhito -Status: Acquainted-
A schoolmate, she seems to be happy with Asumi for helping her little sister, Mikoto

[[Character-890225]] [[Character-890227]] -Status: Acquainted-
Classmates, He doesn't know much about them than their student council members

Ran Ouka - Status: Authority-
His headmaster, he does respect her for building the school back up

Hanakago Academy -Status: Admiration-
He heard this was the school his mother went to and saved some students from the fire


Kosuke Fuyuko -Status: ???-
He doesn't know much about him but he knows Kage is afraid of this man

Denpa Neko/ Eletro Cat- - Status: Enemy-
A strange entity who is seen wearing his old cat hoodie, he sees hoving over him and stalking him

Mamarou Eno - -Status- Admiration-
His guardian. He saved him when he was escaping from his aunt, Train him in self-defense, and even supporting him through his transition.
He wants to be just like him when he grows up

date_range History
Background - What is Asumi Himawari’s background?

(Life with Father)

(Memory of Mother)

(Chance Meeting)

(Late Nights)

(Father's Disappearance)

(New Home)










flare Magic

Himawari Aura


Gets people to get to protect and put faith in target
Causing hope




Not an attack power
Can give the wrong people hope


Being part of the Himawari clan

volume_up Voice



Soft-spoken, Polite and Light



Volume and Tone

Medium volume and tone


healing Mental
Personality Philosophy

He believes that life is a journey and if you give your all you'll succeed

Mental Illnesses

Schizoaffective disorder
Sleep paralysis




Mention of his aunt
Seeing violence
Being trapped

Fight, Flight or Freeze



His need to block out all his problems can leave him in denial

local_hospital Physical



Medium- He is capable of self-defense and have average stamina, though compared to the others he is weaker to them




Did antipsychotics

account_balance Morals
Personal Values

Freedom, Endurance, Redemption

Line Crossing

Hurting people
Sulking in despair


Lawful Good

edit Notes

His last name means Sunflower and the kanji of his name 愛純 means 愛 love. "純 pure.
Has a bit of insecurity about his soft voice

folder_open Events
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