info Overview
Name - What is Kiiro Himawari (Suzuki) ’s full name?

Kiiro Himawari (Suzuki)


Chinese bellflower

Virtue and Sin


Sexual Orientation


Age - How old is Kiiro Himawari (Suzuki) ?


Birthday - When is Kiiro Himawari (Suzuki) ’s birthday?

April 6

Gender - What is Kiiro Himawari (Suzuki) ’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Kiiro Himawari (Suzuki) go by?

Papa(Asumi), Yellow Sunflower (Ai/Nono) Kii (Dahlia) Suzuki-kun (Chie) Suzu-kun (Kotone)

face Looks *Use picture as reference*
android Species
fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Kiiro Himawari (Suzuki) most?

Protecting Asumi
Finding Dahlia Himawari 's killer
Making up for his infidelity


Friendly, Carefree, Protective, Loyal, Possessive, Boku

A jovial and lighthearted man. He typically has a bright smile on his face and carefree joking nature.

Outside of work, he is shown to be protective and faithful to his family, especially to his only son, unfortunately, this can lead him to be blindly loyal and overprotective, for example forbidding his son to leave home in fear of him getting hurt.

3d_rotation Mannerisms

Protecting the object at all costs (ignoring misbehaviors, lying to cover things up, etc.)
Putting the object’s needs and desires above one’s own
Spending a great deal of time with the object
Believing the best of the object
Talking about things in a positive light
Making time for people
Being thoughtful (bringing a gift for the hostess, etc.)
Being attentive in groups; making sure everyone is having a good time
Giving compliments
Laying guilt trips on one’s subject at the first sign of emotional independence
Becoming aggressive if one’s control or ownership is threatened
An untrusting nature
Showing negativity towards those who wish to interact with one’s possession
Running down others to the subject: "Your neighbor Larry needs to learn what deodorant is."
Calling, dropping by, or texting more than is reasonable


Offering compliments
Swinging the arms while walking
Enthusiastic waving
A polite manner
Stepping lightly, skipping
A feeling of breathlessness
Heat that radiates through the chest
Tingling hands
Lightness in the limbs
A feeling of weightlessness


Running makeup
Splotchy skin
Sniffing, wiping at nose
Drooping shoulders
Voice is tearful or breaks
Staring down at one’s hands
Stooped posture


Cracking knuckles
Rolling up sleeves or loosening a collar
Eyes that are cold, hard, flinty
Closed body posture (crossing the arms)
Nails biting into one’s own palms
Deepening one’s tone
Using a carefully controlled tone
Drawing in slow, steady breaths
False smiles
Passive-aggressive comments


Wringing one’s hands
Shoulders curling, a bent spine
Shaking one’s head in denial
Protective posture
A dry mouth
A sore throat from pleading, crying, begging
A heightened level of pain resistance
Tightness or pain in the chest
Excessive or manic energy
Constant planning and obsessing
Irrational thinking, poor judgment
A willingness to do anything


Mentally berating oneself over an action or poor decision
Wanting to face the consequences
Obsessing over finding a way to repay the debt
Pulling arms and legs in toward the core
Muttering "What have I done?" or "How could I let this happen?"
Using the hair to hide the face
Pulling a ball cap low
Pressing hands against one’s cheeks
Dropping the chin to the chest


Chin lowering to one’s chest
Hands that go limp
Holding one’s palms up and out
Shaking the head
A lack of eye contact
Staring down at one’s hands or feet
Going quiet or non-responsive
Weaving in place, a lack of balance
Feeling a pulse in one’s throat
Heart thudding dully in the chest
Wheezing breaths
Feeling like the head is spinning
Chest pain or numbness
A sour taste in one’s mouth
A lack of energy

groups Social
date_range History

(Normal Life)


(A New Boy)

(Third Human)


(New Friend)

(Strange Occurrences)

(The Fire)


(A Myth)


(Married Life)



(Dahlia's Death)

(Protective Instinct)

(3 Murders)


(His Demise)

device_hub Family
flare Magic
volume_up Voice
healing Mental
local_hospital Physical
account_balance Morals
edit Notes
folder_open Events
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Character chevron_right Relationship description link mentioned Kiiro Himawari (Suzuki)

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