info Overview
Name - What is Dahlia Himawari’s full name?

Dahlia Himawari



Virtue and Sin


Sexual Orientation


Age - How old is Dahlia Himawari?


Birthday - When is Dahlia Himawari’s birthday?

May 6

Gender - What is Dahlia Himawari’s gender?


face Looks *Use picture as reference*
Weight - How much does Dahlia Himawari weigh?

120 lb

Height - How tall is Dahlia Himawari?

6.5 ft

Hair Color - What color is Dahlia Himawari’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Dahlia Himawari style their hair?

Messy, Shoulder-length

Body Type


Eye Color - What is Dahlia Himawari’s eye color?

Light blue

Race & Ethnicity


Skin Tone


android Species
fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Dahlia Himawari most?

Doing her duty as a cop


Strict, Hot-blooded, Uchi, Brave, Stubborn

A woman who values justice above all. She's typically referred to as a loose cannon in her department. She isn't the type to be all sweet and gentle and usually doesn't beat around the bush, pushing limits and boundaries and having a strong gut instinct
Her fiercely independent nature can both be useful and harmful, In some aspects, this can lead her to see her flaws as being part of oneself and refusing to change and the other hand she prone to doing what is right instead of what is easy

Hobbies - What hobbies does Dahlia Himawari have?


3d_rotation Mannerisms

Rejecting unfair or biased advantages
Showing respect for others
Believing that the law should apply to everyone
Rejecting caste systems and ideals that promote inequality
Following the rules
Becoming emotional (grief-stricken, enraged, etc.) when an injustice is discovered
Calling people out for perceived dishonesty
Believing that tough love will make people stronger
Being unwilling to put oneself in another’s shoes
Vehemently arguing one’s point of view
Avoiding or dismissing those with differing opinions


A relaxed appearance
Telling jokes, laughing frequently
Laugh lines
Raised, prominent cheekbones (from smiling)
A bright outlook (glass half full)
A desire to be with loved ones or friends
A high chin and exposed neck
A crisp nod
Arms crossed
Smoothing the front of a shirt or tugging down the sleeves
Offering a “thumbs-up”


Rubbing the heel of a palm against chest
Decreased coordination and clumsiness
A distant or empty stare
A flat, monotone voice
Downturned facial features
Covering the hands with the face
Arms hang at the sides, slack
Rubbing or pressing a fist against the chest
Crossing one’s arms, holding onto one’s shoulders
Slumping rather than sitting straight


Nails biting into one’s own palms
Pounding one’s fists against thighs, table, a wall, etc.
Slamming doors, cupboards, or drawers
Punching, kicking, throwing things
Stomping or stamping
A vein that pulses, twitches, or becomes engorged
Laughter with an edge
A shaking or raised voice, yelling
Deepening one’s tone
Deploying sarcasm, insulting others


Keeping silent
Denying fear through diversion or topic change
Turning away from the cause of the fear
Attempting to keep one’s voice light
A watery smile that’s forced into place
Masking fear with a reactive emotion (anger or frustration)
False bravado


Hiding one’s mouth behind a hand
Changing the subject
Deflecting attention
Throat clearing
Verbally denying having anything to do with the event


Lips parting
Firm eye contact centered on the object
Hands moistening
Stroking one’s arm as a surrogate for the object of desire
Mirroring the object’s movements (if a person)
Lowering one’s voice when speaking
Leaning in or forward
Moving closer to erase distance
Relaxing one’s posture
Facing the object straight on


Feverish, over-bright eyes
A darting gaze
Quick movements
An inability to sleep or eat
Finger twitches, compulsive and repetitive movements
A herky-jerky walk
Reaching or touching in hopes of gaining help or favor
Facing danger head-on
Acting in ways that push the limits of endurance
Anxiously muttering to oneself
Grabbing fistfuls of one’s hair and pulling
A pained stare
An emotion-choked voice

groups Social
date_range History



(Heroes in Comics)



(Second Human)


(Fighting to survival)


(The Fire)




(Pursuing Justice)



(A Lethal Encounter)

device_hub Family
flare Magic
volume_up Voice
healing Mental
local_hospital Physical
account_balance Morals
edit Notes
folder_open Events
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