info Overview
Name - What is Hikari Shiore’s full name?

Hikari Shiore


White hellebore

Virtue and Sin


Sexual Orientation


Age - How old is Hikari Shiore?


Birthday - When is Hikari Shiore’s birthday?

Jan 4

Gender - What is Hikari Shiore’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Hikari Shiore go by?

Hika-chan (Minato) Shiore-san (General) Class Rep (Asumi) Light

face Looks *Use picture as reference*
Weight - How much does Hikari Shiore weigh?

120 lb

Height - How tall is Hikari Shiore?

5.4 ft

Hair Color - What color is Hikari Shiore’s hair?

Navy blue

Hair Style - How does Hikari Shiore style their hair?

Long, straight, wavy bangs

Body Type

Frail frame, Narrow shoulders, Average hips, Long legs, Average arms


An oval face with a small, delicate nose and lidded eyes with bags under her eyes

Eye Color - What is Hikari Shiore’s eye color?




Race & Ethnicity


Skin Tone

Pale white

android Species




Special Features

Eats flesh (normally from the dead)
Usually pale (bluish if dark skinned)
Detachable arms
Sharp teeth


Can eat normal foods

Dominant Gender


Behaviour as a whole

They are frequently described as manic or malicious , while this is just a stereotype, they do tend to be more aloof and distant than other species, they do feed off flesh but there are normally from corpses or a small amount

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Hikari Shiore most?

Getting Minato Ouka
Restarting the world


Serious, Blunt, Hardworking, Old-fashioned, Stoic, Refined, Reserved, Ambitious, Watashi

An emotionless and graceful girl who excels at everything she does. She carries herself in a dignified manner, having good posture, hygiene, manners, and expecting others to do the same.

Being a true perfectionist she believes in doing things all the way and not taking shortcuts, no matter how complicated or tedious it is.

Despite her rigid decorousness, in certain circumstances, her diligence can twist into gluttony, overindulging in especially work.

While brilliant when a goal is set, her self-control slips away and a savage drive consumes every bit of her action. She tries her best to conceal this part

Prejudices - What prejudices does Hikari Shiore have?

Weak people- She believes that most victimized people should fight their way out of their problem instead of wallowing in their filth

Hobbies - What hobbies does Hikari Shiore have?



Being empty
Betraying tradition

Role model/Inspiration

Her father She follows her in her father's footsteps to a T since he was the ideal of a hardworking Japanese civilian and want nothing more than to win the game and make him happy


"It's all mine for the taking."
"Soon, everything will be consumed"
"How foolish..."

3d_rotation Mannerisms

Having a solid work ethic
Keeping promises
Doing one’s job to the best of one’s ability
Taking pride in one’s work
Finishing projects in a timely manner
Not making excuses
Expressing annoyance when one’s work is interrupted
Finding it difficult to ask for help out of a reluctance to appear weak
Demanding that others live up to one’s high work standards
Becoming defensive when one is accused of working too much
Being highly organized
Being willing to improvise
Recovering from disappointments or setbacks quickly
Having strong multitasking skills
Vocally expressing one’s ideas


A hand casually anchored on the hip
Stretching the arms out wide
Leaning back, at ease and in control
A deep, gratifying sigh
Whistling or humming
A distant, unfocused smile
Fingers loosely clasped in one’s lap
Closed eyes, the head tipped back
A light squeeze during a handshake
Repeating one’s thanks and appreciation
Holding onto someone’s hand for longer than necessary
Tapping a loose fist against the heart
Softened features that imply calm
Nodding to others in greeting


Drinking too much coffee
Increase in appetite
Withdrawing from everyone
Regret for a past action
Reading into things, over-analyzing
Circles under the eyes
Puffy face or eyes
Eyes appear red
Anger at herself


Withdrawing from the conversation
Hiding one’s hands and feet so clenching and twitching can’t be seen
Excusing oneself for a brief time
Sore muscles and jaw
Walking away
Keeping silent
Changing the topic
Channels anger into working harder
Eats for comfort


Excessive sweating
A ragged appearance
Talking to oneself under the breath
Feigning interest in something nearby
Closing one’s eyes in an attempt to stay calm
Smoothing or stroking one’s own hair as a soothing gesture
Trying to work the fear away
Holding one’s stomach


Lifting hands up and then letting them fall
Pinching the bridge of the nose, eyes closed
Wincing or grimacing
Rubbing the chest as if pained
Over-achieving (setting high goals and meeting them, but taking no pleasure in it)
Pushing oneself past reasonable limits as a form of punishment
Avoiding people and relationships
Hoarding behaviors


Flinching or jumping slightly
A sharp intake of breath
Losing track of what one was doing or saying
Turning away to hide one’s joyful smile
A smile that keeps creeping back onto one’s face
Losing track of the conversation
Making excuses
Concerns and worries falling away
Forgetting what one was in the middle of doing


Gritting one’s teeth
Uncontrolled shivering and hand tremors
Muscle tightness
Furtive movements
Hiding expressive gestures like hand wringing
Bitten nails, bleeding quicks
A downturned mouth or pinched lips
Attempting to hold back whimpers or moans
Heavy or shaky breathing

groups Social

Sakura mochi
Food in general
Being kept busy
Cutesy things


People who don't take accountability
When something taking too long
Sensitive People

Relationship Status



Tomboyish hard-working girls

Reputation Stats

Respected- She is admired for her excellent work ethic through her aloof and restraint nature can distance her from others and not that many people know her very well

Occupation - What is Hikari Shiore’s occupation?


Favorite weapon - What is Hikari Shiore’s favorite weapon?


Relationship description

Asumi Himawari- She is jealous of him for charming Minato and the others so effortlessly

Collin Koi- Her schoolmate, She quickly tires of his timid and lethargic nature and generally dislikes him

Eri Sayuri- Her senior, She has a slightly kohai-senpai relationship with her, With Eri giving her tips and stuff

Emiko Junjo- Her classmate and class president, She does find her haughtiness bothersome but she can at least admire her work ethic

Mikoto Naruhito- Her classmate, they are on neutral terms

Minato Ouka Her classmate and adoptive sister, while she does get annoyed by her reckless nature, yet she is infatuated with her for saving her

Kage Shiore Her older brother, She resents him for number of reasons, like being so distant to her as a child, ignoring her in favor of his abusive ex and just being a moody jerk,

Unzari Hachirou- A schoolmate of hers, She finds him to be a tad off

Kosuke Fuyuko- Her brother's ex-lover, She hates him for stealing her brother's attention and nearly killing them

Ran Ouka- Her adoptive mother, They have a friendly relationship

Hanaki Yokubu- Her schoolmate, She is natural towards him

Kotone Shiore- Her father, She has mixed feelings on him, One side she admires his earnest and hard-working nature and the other he did nearly kill them

Ashley Doe- Her mother, She resented her mother for her submissive and docile nature though her mother was regularly loving and gentle towards her

date_range History

Hikari was a quiet girl who worked hard despite that she was unnoticed and ignored

When walking home from school, a pervert was following her before a Cupid stops him arrested him after that she walked her home. The Cupid mentions that man was breaking his soul vow to his soulmate. Hikari asked what that meant. The Cupid told her about soulmate and how they should be cherished before giving a red string

When asking about it from her parent, her mother was pretty generic with it but her father took great interest. He told her that the red string is nothing but a crutch to obtaining true love


Her uncle was very poor, to the point of them having to drink water to keep themselves full

Hikari become the class president in her free time she trains and enrolls in the Cupids

When she enrolled she meets the same woman again during the opening cerinomy

She work hard as Cupid but only got a base level jobs

flare Magic

Powered through food, can eat anything
Can Summon Light Clones

volume_up Voice






Volume and Tone

Medium and Monotone



healing Mental
Personality Philosophy

That if you want something, you have to work hard for and if you work hard for it you'll be able to take it

Mental Illnesses

Borderline personality disorder




The smell of alcohol
Tight spaces
Human meat

Fight, Flight or Freeze



Feeling dominated

local_hospital Physical

Has an unusually fast metabolism


Is really fast
Can tolerate a lot of pain



account_balance Morals
Personal Values

Abundance, Order, Hard work

Line Crossing

Taking shortcut
Not using an opportunity
Losing composure


Lawful Neutral/ Evil

edit Notes
folder_open Events
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